Quantum Thermodynamics and Quantum Information Theory
Toulouse, 9-11 September 2015
The workshop will take place at the Institut de Mathématiques of Toulouse (1st floor Building 1R3). The workshop starts Wednesday 9th September 9.30 a.m and finishes Friday 11th September 4.45 p.m.
Invited speakers
Organizing committee
Schedule [abstracts]
Wednesday, September 9th
9h30-10h00 Registration & Coffee
10h00-12h00 Lecture: Omar Fawzi - The quantum conditional mutual information: properties and applications [notes]
12h00-13h30 Lunch
13h30-15h30 Lecture: Omar Fawzi - The quantum conditional mutual information: properties and applications
15h30-15h45 Coffee Break
16h00-18h00 Lecture: David Reeb - Landauer's Principle and finite-size effects in quantum thermodynamics [syllabus]
Thursday, September 10th
8h30-9h00 Coffee
9h00-11h00 Lecture: David Reeb - Landauer's Principle and finite-size effects in quantum thermodynamics
11h00-12h00 Talk: Claude Alain Pillet - The Landauer Principle in quantum statistical mechanics [slides]
12h00-13h30 Lunch
13h30-14h30 Talk: Antoine Tilloy - A toy model of classical measurement and the thermodynamics of quantum trajectories
Free afternoon
Friday, September 11th
8h30-9h00 Coffee
9h00-10h00 Talk: Maria Jivulescu - Thresholds for entanglement criteria in quantum information theory [slides]
10h-11h00 Talk: Cecilia Lancien - De Finetti reductions and parallel repetition of multi-player non-local games [slides]
11h00-12h00 Talk: Francesco Ticozzi - Generating Entanglement from Frustration-Free Dissipation [slides]
12h00-13h30 Lunch
13h30-14h30 Talk: Gregory Bulnes Cuetara - Stochastic thermodynamics of rapidly driven quantum systems
14h30-15h30 Talk: Martí Perarnau Llobet - Work and entropy production with Generalized Gibbs Ensembles [slides]
15h30-15h45 Cofee break
15h45-16h45 Talk: Tristan Benoist - Heat and work full counting statistics in the adiabatic limit