Last update: February 28, 2025
Programs (C, Mathematica, TeX/PS):
MayaPS: Typing Maya with TeX/LaTeX.
Reference Manual (40 pages): ps.gz
(409 K) pdf
(469 K)
Vectorizer producing very short EPS. (18K) README
Simplex method. (6K) README
Program for Fiedler's [ref]invariant. program README(pdf)
Quasipositivity problem for 3-braids qp3.m
Plantri Projective Filter ppf
Some non-mathematical papers
B. Delprat and S. Orevkov,
MayaPS: Maya hieroglyphics with
TUGboat, 33(2012), no.3, 289-294.
pdf (208 K)
Asymptotics of the number of lattice triangulations of rectangles of width 4 and 5
by S.Yu. Orevkov
Mat. Sbornik, to appear (in Russian)
pdf (511 K)
English transl.: Sbornik Math., to appear
pdf (473 K)
related files
Section 6 is not yet included in the arXiv version of this paper.
Separating semigroup of genus 4 curves
by S.Yu. Orevkov
pdf (180 K)
Seifert forms and slice Euler characteristic of links
by V. Florens and S.Yu. Orevkov
pdf (557 K)
On intersection of lemniscates of rational functions
by S. Orevkov and F. Pakovich
Arnold Math. J., 11(2025), 9-28
pdf (344 K)
C-boundary links up to six crossings
by S. Yu. Orevkov
Moscow Math. J., 24(2024), no. 3, 427-440
pdf (300 K)
A characterization of quasipositive two-bridge knots
by Burak Osbagci (main text) and Stepan Orevkov (appendix)
International J. of Math., 35(2024), no. 5, 2450015 (12 pages)
Complete bipartite graphs flexible in the plane
by M. D. Kovalev and S. Yu. Orevkov
Mat. Sbornik, 214(2023), no. 10, 44-70 (in Russian)
pdf (723 K)
English transl.: Sbornik Math., 214(2023), no. 10, 1390-1414
pdf (431 K)
Diffusion orthogonal polynomials in 3-dimensional
domains bounded by developable surfaces
by S. Yu. Orevkov
J. Geom. Phys., 191(2023), Paper No. 104882, 22 pp.
pdf (374 K)
Two-dimensional diffusion orthogonal polynomials ordered by a weighted degree
by S. Yu. Orevkov
Funk. analiz i ego prilozh, 57(2023), no. 3, 39-73 (in Russian)
pdf (462 K)
English transl.:
Funct. Anal. and its Applications, 57(2023), no. 3, 208-235
pdf (391 K)
Counting lattice triangulations: Fredholm equations in combinatorics
by S. Yu. Orevkov
Mat. Sbornik, 213(2022), no. 11, 50-78 (in Russian)
pdf (475 K)
English transl.: Sbornik Math., 213(2022), no. 11, 1530-1558
pdf (372 K)
related files
Arrangements of a plane M-sextic with respect to a line
by S. Yu. Orevkov
Algebra i analiz, 34(2022), no. 1, 123-143 (in Russian)
pdf (468 K)
English transl.: St. Petersburg Math. J., 34(2023), 93-107
pdf (367 K)
Algebraically unrealizable complex orientations of plane real
pseudoholomorphic curves
by S. Yu. Orevkov
Geom. and Funct. Anal. (GAFA), 31(2021), 930-947
pdf (310 K)
Real algebraic and real pseudoholomorphic curves
Talk (via zoom) in Tel Aviv Univ. October 29, 2020
Homomorphisms of commutator subgroups of braid groups
with small number of strings
by S. Yu. Orevkov
Annales de la
Faculté des Sciences de Toulouse. Mathématiques, 33(2024), no.1, 105-121
pdf (207 K)
Multivariate signatures of iterated torus links
by S. Yu. Orevkov
Funk. analiz i ego prilozh. 55(2021), no. 1, 73-92 (in Russian)
pdf (342 K)
English transl.:
Funct. Anal. and its Applications, 55(2021), no. 1, 59-74
pdf (230 K)
Plane algebraic curves in fancy balls
by N. G. Kruzhilin and S. Yu. Orevkov
Izvestiya RAN, ser. mat., 85(2021) no. 3, 73-88
(in Russian)
English translation: Izvestiya Math., 85(2021) no. 3, 407-420
pdf (218 K)
On alternating quasipositive links
by S. Yu. Orevkov
Doklady Akademii Nauk, 494(2020), 53-56 (in Russian)
(172 K)
English translation: Doklady Math. 102 (2020), no.2, 404-405
pdf (218 K)
Orthogonal polynomials and diffusion operators
by D. Bakry, S. Yu. Orevkov, and M. Zani
Annales de la
Faculté des Sciences de Toulouse. Mathématiques, 30(2021), no.5, 985-1073
pdf (508 K)
Quasipositive links and connected sums
by S. Yu. Orevkov
Funk. anal. i ego prilozhenia 54(2020), no.1, 81-86 (Russian)
pdf (215 K)
English transl.:
Funct. Anal. and its Applications,54 (2020), no.1, 64-67
pdf (112 K)
Rigid isotopy of maximally writhed links
by G. Mikhalkin and S. Orevkov
Algebraic Geomerty 8 (2021), no. 3, 268-285
pdf (395 K)
On osculating framing of real algebraic links
by G. Mikhalkin and S. Orevkov
Arnold Math. J. 5(2019), 393-399
pdf (123 K)
Products of conjugacy classes in SL2(R).
by S. Yu. Orevkov
Trudy Mosk. Mat. Obsch. 80(2019), no. 1, 87-96 (Russian)
pdf (218 K)
English transl.:
Trans. of Moscow Math. Soc. 80(2019), 73-81
pdf (141 K)
Irreducibility of lemniscates
by S. Yu. Orevkov
Uspekhi mat. nauk, 73:3(441) (2018). 177-178 (Russian)
pdf (188 K)
English transl.: Russian Math. Surveys, 73(2018), 543-545
pdf (68 K)
Corrigendum to the paper "A flexible affine M-sextic which is algebraically unrealizable"
by S. Fiedler - Le Touzé, S. Orevkov, E. Shustin
J. of Alg. Geometry , 29(2020), 109-121
pdf (327 K)
Separating semigroup of hyperelliptic curves and of genus 3 curves
by S. Yu. Orevkov
Algebra i analiz 31 (2019), no. 1, 108-113 (Russian)
pdf (221 K)
English transl.: St. Petersburg Math. J. 31 (2020), 81-84
pdf (111 K)
On the hyperbolicity locus of a real curve
by S. Yu. Orevkov
Funk. anal. i ego prilozhenia 52 (2018), no. 2, 86-89 (Russian)
pdf (165 K)
English transl.:
Funct. Anal. and its Applications 52 (2018), 151-153
pdf (90 K)
Maximally writhed real algebraic links
by G. Mikhalkin and S.
Inventiones Math., 216(2019), 125-152
pdf (346 K)
Topology of maximally writhed real algebraic knots
by G. B.
Mikhalkin and S. Yu. Orevkov
Doklady Akademii Nauk, 478(2018), no. 2, 141-144 (in Russian),
(225 K)
English translation: Doklady Math., 97(2018), no. 1, 28-31 pdf (129 K)
Compactification of the space of branched coverings of the
two-dimensional sphere
by V. I. Zvonilov and S. Yu. Orevkov
Trudy Mat. Inst. im. V. A. Steklova, 298(2017), 127-138 (in Russian)
(403 K)
English translation: "Proc. Steklov Math.
Inst.", 298(2017), 118-128
(309 K)
Real algebraic knots and links of small degree
by G.
Mikhalkin and S. Orevkov
J. of Knot Theory and Ramifications,
25(2016), 1642010, 34 pages (Duzhin Memorial Special Issue)
pdf (649 K)
Real algebraic and pseudoholomorphic curves on the quadratic cone and
smoothings of singularity $X_{21}$
by S. Yu. Orevkov and E. I. Shustin
Algebra i analiz, 28(2016), no. 2, 138-186 (in Russian)
pdf (662 K)
English transl.: St. Petersbourg Math. J., 28(2017), 225-257
pdf (568 K)
Automorphism group of the commutator subgroup of the braid group
by S. Yu. Orevkov
Annales de la
Faculté des Sciences de Toulouse. Mathématiques (6), 26(2017), 1137-1161
pdf (238 K)
Remark on Tono's theorem about cuspidal curves
by S. Yu.
Math. Nachrichten, 290(2017), issue 17-18, 2992–2994
pdf (79 K)
Algorithmic recognition of quasipositive 4-braids of algebraic length
by S. Yu. Orevkov
Groups, Complexity, Cryptology,
7(2015), no. 2, 157-173
pdf (240 K)
ps.gz (354 K)
ps (739 K)
Criterion of Hurwitz equivalence for quasipositive factorizations of
by S. Yu. Orevkov
Doklady Akademii Nauk,
463(2015), no. 3, 269-273 (in Russian)
pdf (189 K)
ps.gz (82 K) ps
(235 K)
English translation: Doklady Math.,
92(2015), no. 1, 443-447
pdf (120 K) ps.gz (251 K)
ps (490 K) abstract
On the Hurwitz action on quasipositive factorizations of 3-braids
by S. Yu. Orevkov
Doklady Akademii Nauk, 461(2015), no.
3, 263-267 (in Russian)
pdf (215 K)
ps.gz (98 K) ps
(280 K)
English translation: Doklady Math.,
91(2015), no. 2, 173-177
pdf (143 K)
ps.gz (155 K)
ps (342 K)
Algorithmic recognition of quasipositive braids of algebraic length
by S. Yu. Orevkov
Journal of Algebra, 423(2015),
1080-1108 pdf (307
K) ps.gz (249
K) ps (573
Parametric equations of plane sextic curves with a maximal set
of double points
by S. Yu. Orevkov
Journal of Algebra and its
Applications, 14(2015), no. 9, 1540013 (Abhyankar Memorial Special
(158 K)
related files
Basic nets in the projective plane
by S. Yu. Orevkov
Annales de la Faculté des Sciences de Toulouse.
Mathématiques, (6), 24(2015), 205-226
ps.gz (196 K) ps
(487 K) pdf
(218 K) abstract
Cubic Hecke Algebras and Invariants of Transversal Links
S. Yu. Orevkov
Doklady Akademii Nauk, 454(2014), no. 6,
637-641 (in Russian)
ps.gz (89 K)
ps (246 K)
pdf (212 K)
English translation: Doklady Math.
89(2014), 115-118
ps.gz (153 K)
ps (321 K) pdf
(124 K)
On modular computation of Groebner bases with integer coefficients
by S. Yu. Orevkov
Zapiski Nauchn. Semin. POMI, 421(2014),
133-137 (in Russian)
ps.gz (57 K)
ps (150 K)
pdf (82 K)
English translation: J. of Math. Sciences,
200(2014), 722-724
ps.gz (114 K)
ps (229 K) pdf
(131 K)
Markov traces on the Funar algebra
by S. Yu. Orevkov
Comm. Math. Phys., 334(2016), 371-396
pdf (297 K)
related files
On commutator subgroups of Artin groups
by S. Yu. Orevkov
Doklady Akademii Nauk, 442(2012), no. 6, 740-742 (in Russian)
ps.gz (59
K) ps (163
K) pdf (151
English translation: Doklady Math. 85(2012), no. 1,
117-119 ps.gz
(109 K) ps
(227 K) pdf
(86 K)
Products of conjugacy classes in finite unitary groups GU(3,q²) and SU(3,q²)
by S. Yu.
Annales de la Faculté des Sciences
de Toulouse. Mathématiques, (6), 22(2013), 219-251
ps.gz (406 K) ps (861 K)
pdf (434 K)
Some examples of real algebraic and real pseudoholomorphic curves
by S. Yu. Orevkov
In: Perspectives in Analysis, Geometry and
Topology . Progr. in Math. 296, Birkhauser/Springer, N. Y., 2012, pp.
(543 K) ps (1356
K) pdf (655
Agnihotri-Woodward-Belkale polytope and the intersection of Klyachko
by S. Yu. Orevkov and Yu. P. Orevkov
Mat. Zametki,
87(2010), no. 1, 101-107 (in Russian)
pdf (240 K)
ps.gz (90 K)
English transl.:Math. Notes, 87(2010), no.
1-2, 96-101
dvi (32 K) pdf
(187 K) ps.gz
(158 K)
Proper analytic embedding of CP¹
minus Cantor set into C².
by S. Yu. Orevkov
Uspekhi Mat. Nauk, 63(2008), no. 1(379), 155-156 (in Russian)
English transl.: Russian Math. Surveys,, 63(2008), 168-169
We construct what is in the
ps pdf
Example of a continuous mapping S²
--> R² whose set of dominating
points is dense in S².
by S. Yu. Orevkov
Abstract: We construct a mapping f :
S² --> R²
such that { p | f^-1 (f(p))={p}} is dense in
S² .
Appendix to the paper by Daciberg Goncalves
"The size of multiple points of maps between manifolds", Topology
Proceedings, 48(2016), 361-373
pdf (122K)
A la recherche de la topologie projective. Du côté de chez Arnold.
by S. Yu. Orevkov
Talk on the International Conference
"Arnold-70", Moscow, August 20-25, 2007
ps (157 K)
pdf (55 K)
Complex orientantion formulas for M-curves of degree
4d + 1 with 4 nests
by S. Yu. Orevkov
de la Faculté des Sciences de Toulouse. Mathématiques, (6),
19(2010), 13-26
ps (544 K) pdf
(260 K)
ps.gz (231 K)
Arrangements of an M-quintic with respect to a conic
which maximally intersects its odd branch
by S. Yu. Orevkov
Algebra i Analiz, 19(2007), no.4, 174-242 (in Russian) pdf (964 K) ps (1.8 M) ps.gz (510 K)
English transl.: St. Petersbourg Math. J., 19(2008), 625-674
pdf (903
K) ps.gz
(580 K) abstract
Sharpness of Risler's upper bound for the total curvature of an affine
algebraic hypersurface
by S. Yu. Orevkov
Uspekhi Mat. Nauk,
62(2007), no. 2(374), 169-170
English transl.: Russian
Math. Surveys, 62(2007), 393-394
tex (amstex, 5 K) pdf
(75 K) ps
(195 K) (93 K)
Algebraic curve in the unit ball in C² passing
through the origin, all of whose boundary components are arbitrarily short
To the memory of Anatoliy Georgievich Vitushkin
by S. Yu.
Trudy Mat.Inst. im. V. A. Steklova. 253(2006),
135-157. pdf
(497 K) ps
(833 K)
(274 K)
English translation: Proc. Steklov Inst. of Math.
253(2006), 123-143.
pdf (435 K) ps
(858 K) (344 K)
Plane real algerbaic curves of odd degree with a deep nest
S. Yu. Orevkov
J. of Knot Theory and Ramifications, 14(2005),
pdf (354
K) ps (754
(303 K) abstract
Quasipositivity problem for 3-braids
by S. Yu. Orevkov
Proceedings of 10th Gokova Geometry-Topology Conference 2004, pp.
Reprinted in: Turkish Journal of Math., 28(2004),
pdf (154
K) ps (272
K) ps.gz (127
K) dvi (29
K) abstract
The number of trees half of whose vertices are leaves and asymptotic
enumeration of plane real algebraic curves
by V. M. Kharlamov
and S. Yu. Orevkov
J. of Combinatorial Theory, Ser.
A, 105(2004), 127-142
K) ps(307
K) ps.gz (100
K) dvi
(57 K) abstract
Solution of the word problem in the singular braid group
S. Yu. Orevkov
Proceedings of 10th Gokova Geometry-Topology Conference
2004, pp. 95-100.
Reprinted in: Turkish Journal of
Math., 28(2004), 95-100.
(160 K) ps
(135 K) ps.gz
(55 K) dvi
(25 K) abstract
Pseudoholomorphic algebraically unrealizable curves
S. Yu. Orevkov and E. I. Shustin
Moscow Math. J.,
3(2003), no.3, 1053-1083
(709 K) ps (1126 K) ps.gz (434
K) abstract
Construction of arrangements of an M-quartic and an
M-cubic with a maximal intersection of an oval and the odd branch
by S. Yu. Orevkov
Bulletin (vestnik) of Nizhni Novgorod State
University,Ser. Math. Modeling and Optimal Control, issue
1(25),2002, 12-48
pdf (Russian)
(2141 K = 2.1 M);
English translation (is not supposed to be published):
pdf (English)
(2104 K = 2.1 M)
Corrected and completed version (2011):
pdf (English)
(884 K).
Here the list is complete: 241 algebraic and 4 pseudoholomorphic arrangements.
Markov theorem for transversal links
by S. Yu.
Orevkov and V. V. Shevchishin
J. of Knot Theory and
Ramifications, 12(2003), 905-913
(230 K) ps (257
K) Extended version: pdf
(289 K) ps
(335 K) abstract
New M-curve of degree 8
by S. Yu. Orevkov
Funct. Analysis and Appl., 36(2002), 247-249
Abstract: We construct a real algebraic curve of degree 8 with
the real scheme 7 U 1<2 U 1<11>>
(English) (125 K) pdf
(Russian) (177 K) ps
(English) (189 K) ps
(Russian) (200 K)
Classification of flexible M-curves of degree 8 up to isotopy
by S. Yu. Orevkov
GAFA - Geometric and Functional
12(2002), no.4, 723-755
In an appendix of
this paper we give some computer programs used in the paper (see Abstract for
more details).
pdf (522 K) ps (577 K)
Counter-examples to the "Jacobian Conjecture at Infinity"
Dedicated to the seventieth birthday of Anatolii Georgievich Vitushkin
by S. Yu. Orevkov
Trudy Mat. Inst. im. V. A. Steklova,
235(2001), 181-210 (in Russian)
pdf (484 K)
ps (853 K)
English translation: "Proc. Steklov Math. Inst.",
235(2001), 173-201 pdf
(431 K) ps (693 K)
Congruence modulo 8 for real algebraic curves of dergee 9
by S. Yu. Orevkov and O. Ya. Viro
Uspekhi Mat. Nauk 56(2001), no.4, 137-138
(in Russian)
English translation: Russian Math. Surveys
56(2001), 770-771
pdf (77 K)
(amstex, 10 K) dvi
(13 K) (the 2-page note published in "Russian Math.
(139 K) tex (amstex, 13 K)
(124 K) (a 3-page version of this text with more detailed
Real quintic surface with 23 components
by S. Yu. Orevkov
C. R. Acad. Sci. Paris, Ser. I, 333(2001), 115-118
Abstract: We construct a real surface of degree 5 in $RP^3$
which has 23 connected components
(184 K) ps (217
K) ps.gz (86 K)
Quasipositivity test via unitary representations of braid groups and
its applications to real algebraic curves
by S. Yu. Orevkov
of Knot Theory and Ramifications, 10(2001), 1005-1023
pdf (361
K) ps (486
K) ps.gz
(189 K) abstract
Quasipositivité d'une courbe analytique dans une boule pseudo-convexe
(French; abridged English version)
[ Quasipositivity of an
analytic curve in a pseudoconvex 4-ball]
by Michel
Boileau and Stepan Orevkov
C. R. Acad. Sci.
Paris, Ser. I, 332(2001), 825-830
(140 K) dvi (32 K)
tex (amstex, 26
K) abstract.tex
(1 K) abstract
Petrovski-Oleinik inequalities and combinatorics of Viro
by S.Yu. Orevkov
Algebra i Analiz,
14(2002), no.1, 134-157 (in Russian)
English translation:
St.-Petersburg Math. J., 14(2003), no.1, 101-118
Relative MacMullen inequalities (by R. MacPherson and S. Orevkov)
pdf (English) (281
K) pdf
(Russian) (424 K) ps
(English) (329 K) ps
(Russian) (424 K)
Flexible, algebraically unrealizable curves: rehabilitation of
Hilbert-Rohn-Gudkov approach
by S. Yu. Orevkov
and E. I. Shustin
J. fur die Reine und Angew. Math.,
551(2002), 145-172
(505 K) ps
(777 K) ps.gz
(285 K) abstract
Asymptotic growth of the number of classes of real plane algebraic
curves when the degree increases
by S. Yu. Orevkov
and V.M. Kharlamov
Zapiski Nauch. Seminarov
POMI, Vol.
266(2000), pages 218-233 (in Russian)
English translation: J. of
Math. Sciences, 113(2003), no. 5, 666-674
(206 K) tex
(amstex, 41 K) dvi
(53 K) ps
(199 K)
A flexible affine M-sextic which is algebraically unrealizable
by S. Fiedler-LeTouzé and S. Yu.
J. of Algebraic Geometry, 11(2002), 293-310
pdf (385
K) ps (543
K) abstract
There is a serious error in this paper which is however fixed
(scroll up to see the corrigendum).
Markov moves for quasipositive braids
by S. Yu. Orevkov
C. R. Acad. Sci. Paris, Ser. I, 331(2000), 557-562
pdf (124 K)
ps (208 K)
[Version abreg� francaise:
(95 K) tex
(amstex, 6 K) dvi (7 K)]
Strong positivity in the right-invariant order on a braid group and
by S. Yu. Orevkov
Zametki, 68(2000), no. 5, 692-698 (in
English translation: Math. Notes,
68(2000), 588-593
(Russian) (225 K) ps
(Russian) (290 K) abstract
Complex orientations of M-curves of degree 7
by S. Yu.
In: Topology, Ergodic Theory, Real Algebraic Geometry.
Rokhlin's Memorial. Amer. Math.Soc. Transl. ser 2. Vol. 202, 2001, pp.
pdf (306 K)
ps (501 K)
ps.gz (184 K)
When a chain of blowups defines an automorphism of C² .
by S. Yu. Orevkov
Math. Notes,
67(2000), 541-543
(Russian) (144 K) pdf
(English) (81 K) ps
(Russian) (116 K) dvi
(English) (14 K) ps
(English) (100 K) abstract
Link theory and new restrictions for M-curves of degree nine
by S.Yu. Orevkov
Funct. Analysis and Appl.,
34(2000), 229-231
(amstex, 13 K) dvi
(17 K) ps
(116 K) ps (Russian) (128 K)
Projective M-cubics and M-quartics in general position
with a maximally intersecting pair of ovals
by S. Yu. Orevkov
and G. M. Polotovskii
St. Petersburg Math. J.,
11(2000), 837-852
Abstract: A
classification up to isotopy of curves mensioned in the title is obtained. The
link theory (Murasugi-Tristram inequality) is used for restrictions.
pdf (Russian)
(599 K) pdf (English) (562
K) ps
(Russian) (599 K) ps (English) (562 K)
Projective conics and M-quintics in general position with a
maximally intersecting pair of ovals
by S. Yu. Orevkov
Notes, 65(1999), 528-532
Abstract: A classification up to isotopy of curves mensioned
in the title is obtained. The link theory (Murasugi-Tristram inequality) is
used for restrictions.
(Russian) (203 K) pdf
(English) (185 K) ps
(Russian) (249 K) ps
(English) (232 K)
The volume of the Newton polytope of a discriminant
by S. Yu.
Uspekhi Mat. Nauk, 54(1999), no.5,
165-166 (in Russian)
English translation: Russian Math.
Surveys, 54(1999), 1133-1134
(82 K) tex
(amstex, 10 K) dvi
(15 K) ps
(216 K) abstract
Riemann existence theorem and construction of real algebraic curves
by S. Yu. Orevkov
Annales de la
Faculté des Sciences de Toulouse. Mathématiques, (6) 12 (2003), no. 4,
pdf (440
K) ps (809 K)
ps.gz (250 K)
The list of the constructed new M-curves of degree 9 was
incomplete in the version of this paper which was published as a preprint of
Laboratoire Emile Picard (the version which was available on this site
before 02/27/2003)
Asymptotic number of triangulations with vertices in
by S. Yu. Orevkov
J. of Combinatorial Theory, Series A, 86(1999), 200-203
pdf (123 K)
ps (80 K)
dvi file(14 K)
Potential at infinity of a polynomial image of the disk
by S.
Yu. Orevkov
Funct. Analysis and Appl., 33(1999),
pdf (72 K)
(amstex, 13 K) dvi
(17 K) ps (196 K)
(Russian) (135 K) ps
(Russian) (128 K) abstract
A new affine M-sextic
by S. Yu. Orevkov
Funct. Analysis and Appl., 32(1998), 141-143
pdf (English) (118
K) pdf
(Russian) (142 K) ps
(English) (166 K) ps
(Russian) (222 K)
A new affine M-sextic. II
by S. Yu. Orevkov
Russian Math. Surveys, 53(1998), 1099-1101
pdf (English) (144
K) pdf
(Russian) (163 K) ps
(English) (218 K) ps (Russian) (237 K)
Singularity which has no M-smoothing
by V. M.
Kharlamov, S. Yu. Orevkov, and E. I. Shustin
In: The Arnoldfest
(Toronto, ON, 1997), Fields Inst. Commun., 24, Amer. Math. Soc., Providence,
RI, 1999 pp. 273-309
Abstract: We give an example
of a singulatity (of multiplisity 6 with 3 branches) for whose smoothings the
local Harnack inequality is not sharp.
(536 K) ps (811 K)
ps.gz (288 K)
Link theory and oval arrangements of real algebraic curves
S. Yu. Orevkov
Topology, 38(1999), 779-810;
Erratum Topology, 41(2002), 211-212
Here we corrected numerous misprints appeared in the
published version.
The modifications corresponding
to the published erratum are also included here.
(452 K)
(696 K) ps.gz (227 K)
On rational cuspidal curves I. Sharp estimate for the degree via
by S. Yu. Orevkov
Math. Annalen,
324(2002), 657-673
(224 K) ps (514
K) abstract
On four-sheeted polynomial mappings of C²
. I. The case of an irreducible ramification curve
by A.
V. Domrina and S. Yu. Orevkov
Math. Notes,
64(1998), 732-744
(231 K) ps (286 K)
Acyclic algebraic surfaces bounded by Seifert spheres
by S.
Yu. Orevkov
Osaka J. Math., 34(1997), 457-480
Here you find the version of the paper without numerous
typos which are in the published version:
(303 K) ps (302 K)
Realizability of a braid monodromy by an algebraic function in a disk
by S. Yu. Orevkov
C. R. Acad. Sci. Paris, Ser. I,
326(1998), 867-871
(168 K) ps (372 K)
On rigid rational cuspidal plane curves
by S. Yu.
Orevkov and M. G. Zaidenberg
Uspekhi Mat. Nauk,
51(1996), no. 1, 149-150 (in Russian); English translation:
Russian Math. Surveys, 51(1996), 179-180
Abstract: A plane curve is called cuspidal if it has
one branch at each singularity. We prove that a projectively rigid rational
cuspidal curve has at most 9 singular points.
(Russian) (146 K) ps
(Russian) (140 K) ps.gz
(Russian) (54 K)
(English) (112 K) ps
(English) (113 K) ps.gz
(English) (47 K)
Plane curves with a big fundamental group of the complement
by G. Detloff, S. Yu. Orevkov, and M. G. Zaidenberg
In: Voronezh Winter Mathematical Schools, AMS Transl. Ser. 2, 184,
AMS, Providence, RI, 1998, pp. 63-84
Rudolph diagrams and analytic realization of Vitushkin's covering
by S. Yu. Orevkov
Mat. Zametki,
60(1996), no. 2, 206-224 (in Russian)
translation: Math. Notes, 60(1996), 153-164
pdf (English) (208
K) pdf (Russian) (279
K) abstract
(English) (293 K) ps
(Russian) (305 K) abstract
A physical proof of Whitney's theorem on plane curves
S. Yu. Orevkov
Prosveschenie (Mathematical Education),Ser. 3, issue 1, 1996, pp.
96-102 (in Russian)
(Russian) (127 K) ps
(Russian) (127 K) ps.gz
(Russian) (39 K) abstract
On Abhyankar quasirational singularities
by S. Yu.
Uspekhi Mat. Nauk, 50:6(1995), 201-202(in Russian)
pdf abstract
English transl.: Russian Math. Surveys, 50(1995), 1290-1291
On the number of singular points of plane curves
by S.
Yu. Orevkov and M. G. Zaidenberg
In: Algebraic Geometry.
Proc. Conf., Saintama Univ., March 15-17, 1995
On level lines of a conformal isomorphism of a domain onto the disk
by S. Yu. Orevkov
Mat. Zametki,56(1994), no. 5,
145-148 (in Russian); English transl.: Math. Notes, 56(1994),
(English) (112 K) dvi
(English) (15 K) ps.gz
(English) (41 K) pdf
(Russian) (126 K) ps.gz
(Russian) (45 K)
An example in connection with the Jacobian conjecture.
by S. Yu. Orevkov
Mat. Zametki,47(1990), no. 1,
127-136; Erratum: ibid, 49(1991), no. 6, p. 148 (in Russian); pdf (Russian) (1073 K)
pdf (erratum,
English transl.: Math. Notes, 47(1990), 82-88;
Erratum: ibid., 49(1991), p.659. pdf
(English) (588 K) pdf
(erratum, English)
In English translation, some pluses
look as minuses because of the quality of copy machine. So, see the Russian
version for the definition of P(t) and Q(t) on p. 128.
The fundamental group of the complement of a plane algebraic curve
by S. Yu. Orevkov
Sbornik,137(179)(1988), no. 2, 260-270 (in Russian); English
transl.: Math. USSR Sbornik, 65(1990), no. 1, 267-277
(169 K) ps (346 K)
ps.gz (157
K) abstract
On three-sheeted polynomial mappings of C²
by S. Yu. Orevkov
Izvestia AN SSSR. Ser. Mat.,
50(1986), no. 6, 1231-1240 (in Russian)
translation: Math. USSR-Izvestiya, 29(1987), 587-596
Abstract: It is proved that the Jacobian of a 3-fold
polynomial mapping of the complex plane into itself cannot be constant, i.e. a
counter-example to the Jacobian Conjecture in dimension 2 cannot be realised by
a 3-fold mapping
(163 K) ps
(348 K) ps.gz
163 K)