Slavyana Geninska

Je suis maître de conférences à l'université de Toulouse III (Paul Sabatier).

Adresse Postale :
Université Paul Sabatier
Institut de Mathématiques de Toulouse
118 route de Narbonne
31062 Toulouse Cedex 9, France

Email : geninska "chez"
Bureau: 131 bis, Bâtiment 1R2
Téléphone : +33 5 61 55 75 20


Année 2021/2022:
L2 PS: Groupes
M2 Agreg: Groupes et représentations
L3 E: Algèbre 2
L1 Info: Mathématiques discrètes
M2 Agreg: Géométrie affine et différentielle

Recherche / Research

I am interested in Fuchsian groups, arithmetic groups, symmetric spaces, hyperbolic geometry, asymptotic geometry, translation surfaces.

Publications and preprints

Relative systoles in hyperelliptic translation surfaces, preprint (with C. Boissy). pdf

Systoles in translation surfaces, Bull. SMF 149 (2021), no. 2, 417-438 (with C. Boissy). pdf

The limit sets of subgroups of lattices in $PSL(2,R)^r$, Geom. Dedicata 182 (2016), 81–94. pdf

On arithmetic Fuchsian groups and their characterisations, Ann. Fac. Sci. Toulouse Math. (6) 23 (2014), no. 5, 1093-1102. pdf

Examples of infinite covolume subgroups of $PSL(2,R)^r$ with big limit sets, Mathematische Zeitschrift 272 (2012), 389-404. pdf

The limit set of subgroups of arithmetic groups in $PSL(2,C)^q \times PSL(2,R)^r$, Groups Geom. Dyn. 8 (2014), no. 4, 1047–1099. pdf

The limit set of subgroups of a class of arithmetic groups, Dissertation, Karlsruhe, 2009. link

A geometric characterization of arithmetic Fuchsian groups, Duke Math. J. 142 (2008), 111-125 (with E. Leuzinger). pdf