- A geostatistical framework to interpolate sustainable aviation data
R. Perrichon, X. Gendre, T. Klein
Submitted, 2023
- Statistical analysis of aircraft trajectories in a multivariate functional data analysis Framework
R. Perrichon, X. Gendre, T. Klein
Submitted, 2022
- Stochastic Gradient Langevin Dynamics for (weakly) log-concave posterior distributions
M. Crespo Navas, S. Gadat, X. Gendre
Electronic Journal of Probability (2024), Vol. 29
- Differences in growth features between species are driving cereal-legume intercrop yield: a statistical learning approach based on aggregated dataset
R. Mahmoud, N. Gaudio, X. Gendre, N. Hilgert, P. Casadebaig
BioRxiv (2024)
- Hidden Markov models and flight phase identification
R. Perrichon, X. Gendre, T. Klein
Journal of Open Aviation Science (2024)
- The drivers of the Martian bow shock location: a statistical analysis of Mars Atmosphere and Volatile EvolutioN and Mars Express observations
P. Garnier, C. Jacquey, X. Gendre, V. Génot, C. Mazelle, X. Fang, J. Gruesbeck, B. Sánchez-Cano, J. Halekas
Journal of Geophysical Research: Space Physics (2022)
- The influence of crustal magnetic fields on the Martian bow shock location: a statistical analysis of Mars Atmosphere and Volatile EvolutioN and Mars Express observations
P. Garnier, C. Jacquey, X. Gendre, V. Génot, C. Mazelle, X. Fang, J. Gruesbeck, B. Sánchez-Cano, J. Halekas
Journal of Geophysical Research: Space Physics (2022)
- ICS for multivariate functional anomaly detection with applications to predictive maintenance and quality control
A. Archimbaud, F. Boulfani, X. Gendre, K. Nordhausen, A. Ruiz-Gazen, J. Virta
Econometrics and Statistics (2022)
- A statistical approach for sizing an aircraft electrical generator using extreme value theory
F. Boulfani, X. Gendre, A. Ruiz-Gazen, M. Salvignol
CEAS Aeronautical Journal (2021)
- Interspecific interactions regulate plant reproductive allometry in cereal-legume intercropping systems
N. Gaudio, C. Violle, X. Gendre, F. Fort, E. Pelzer, S. Médiène, R. Mahmoud, H. Hauggaard-Nielsen, L. Bedoussac, C. Bonnet, G. Corre-Hellou, A. Couëdel, P. Hinsinger, E. Steen Jensen, E.-P. Journet, E. Justes, B.Kammoun, I. Litrico, N. Moutier, C. Naudin, P. Casadebaig
Journal of Applied Ecology (2021)
[PDF] [BioRxiv] [Data]
- A Chernov bound for robust tolerance design and application
A. Diet, N. Couellan, X. Gendre, J. Martin
The International Journal of Advanced Manufacturing Technology (2020), Vol. 111
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- A Stein's approach to covariance matrix estimation using regularization of Cholesky factor and log-Cholesky metric
O. Besson, F. Vincent, X. Gendre
Statistics and Probability Letters (2020), Vol. 167
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- Maximum likelihood estimation for a bivariate Gaussian process under fixed domain asymptotics
D. Velandia, F. Bachoc, M. Bevilacqua, X. Gendre, J.-M. Loubes
Electronic Journal of Statistics (2017), Vol. 11, pp. 2978-3007
[PDF] [Bibtex]
- Impact of tree canopy on thermal and radiative microclimates in a mixed temperate forest: a new statistical method to analyse hourly temporal dynamics
N. Gaudio, X. Gendre, M. Saudreau, V. Seigner, P. Balandier
Agricultural and Forest Meteorology (2017), Vol. 237, pp. 71-79
[PDF] [Bibtex] [R source]
- Understanding the fragmentation pattern of marine plastic debris
A. ter Halle, L. Ladirat, X. Gendre, D. Goudounèche, C. Pusineri, C. Routaboul, C. Tenailleau, B. Duployer, E. Perez
Environmental Science and Technology (2016), Vol. 50-11, pp. 5668-5675
[PDF] [Bibtex]
- Combined effect of atmospheric nitrogen deposition and climate change on temperate forest soil biogeochemistry: a modelling approach
N. Gaudio, S. Belyazid, X. Gendre, A. Mansat, M. Nicolas, S. Rizzetto, H. Sverdrup, A. Probst
Ecological Modelling (2015), Vol. 306, pp. 24-34
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- Model selection and estimation of a component in additive regression
X. Gendre
ESAIM: Probability and Statistics (2014), Vol. 18, pp. 77-116
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- Minimax properties of Fréchet means of discretely sampled curves
J. Bigot, X. Gendre
Annals of Statistics (2013), Vol. 41-2, pp. 923-956
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- Simultaneous estimation of the mean and the variance in heteroscedastic Gaussian regression
X. Gendre
Electronic Journal of Statistics (2008), Vol. 2, pp. 1345-1372
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Conference papers
- Landmark and Elastic Registration of Aircraft Trajectories
R. Perrichon, X. Gendre, T. Klein
55èmes Journées de Statistique de la SFdS, 2024
- Kriging wind on pressure levels to enrich the statistical modelling of aircraft trajectories
R. Perrichon, X. Gendre, T. Klein
Proceedings of the 37th International Workshop on Statistical Modelling, 2023
- A geometric approach to study aircraft trajectories: the benefits of OpenSky Network ADS-B Data
R. Perrichon, X. Gendre, T. Klein
Engineering Proceedings 28(1):6, 2022
- Ranking the drivers of the Martian bow shock location: a statistical analysis of Mars Atmosphere and Volatile EvolutioN and Mars Express observations
P. Garnier, C. Jacquey, X. Gendre, V. Génot, C. Mazelle, X. Fang, J. R. Gruesbeck, B. Sanchez-Cano, J. S. Halekas
EGU General Assembly 2022, Vienna, Austria, 23-27 May 2022
- Dynamics of the Martian bow shock location
P. Garnier, C. Jacquey, V. Génot, B. Sanchez-Cano, X. Gendre, C. Mazelle, X. Fang, J. R. Gruesbeck, B. Hall, J. S. Halekas, B. M. Jakosky
EGU General Assembly 2021 (online), 19-30 Apr 2021
- Anomaly detection for aircraft electrical generator using machine learning in a functional data framework
F. Boulfani, X. Gendre, A. Ruiz-Gazen, M. Salvignol
2020 Global Mosharaka Congress on Electrical Engineering (remotely on September 4-6, 2020)
[HAL] [Bibtex]
- A statistical approach for tolerancing from design stage to measurements analysis
A. Diet, N. Couellan, X. Gendre, J. Martin, J.-P. Navarro
16th CIRP Conference on Computer Aided Tolerancing (e-Conference on June 15-17, 2020)
Procedia CIRP (2020), Vol. 92, pp. 33-38
[PDF] [Bibtex] [Conference Program]
- Comparing prediction procedures for functional data in aeronautic
F. Boulfani, X. Gendre, A. Ruiz-Gazen, M. Salvignol
12th International Conference of the ERCIM WG on Computational and Methodological Statistics (CMStatistics 2019), 2019
- A trait-based approach to understand and predict the performance of arable annual mixed crops
R. Mahmoud, N. Gaudio, P. Casadebaig, X. Gendre, L. Bedoussac, G. Hellou, F. Fort, E.-P. Journet, I. Litrico, C. Naudin, C. Violle
International Conference on Ecological Sciences (2018), Rennes
- Introduction to model selection (in french)