english version

Thèmes de recherches.

-surfaces de translations, surfaces plates
-espaces des modules
-théorie de Teichmüller
-échanges d'intervalles


[1] Configuration of saddle connections of quadratic differentials on CP1 and on hyperelliptic Riemann surfaces. Comment. Math. Helv., 84 (2009), p757-791. pdf

[2] Degenerations of quadratic differentials on CP1, Geometry and Topology 12 (2008) p1345-1386. pdf

[3] Dynamics and geometry of the Rauzy-Veech induction for quadratic differentials, [avec E. Lanneau] Ergodic Theory and Dynamical Systems, 29 (2009), p767-816 pdf

[4] Classification of Rauzy classes in the moduli space of quadratic differentials, (2009), Discrete and Continuous Dynamical systems, series A, 32 (2012), p3433-3457. pdf

[5] Ends of strata in the moduli space of quadratic differentials,  Geometria Dedicata 159 (2012), p71-88  pdf

[6] Pseudo-Anosov homeomorphisms on hyperelliptic surfaces have large entropy, [avec E. Lanneau], Geom. Funct. Anal. 22 (2012) pdf

[7] Labeled Rauzy classes and framed translation surfaces, Annales de l'institut Fourier 63, (2013) p. 547-572 pdf
                      (republié en 2015 suite à une erreur de l'éditeur supprimant de nombreuses figures...)

[8] Connected components of the moduli space of meromorphic differentials,  Comment. Math. Helv. 90 (2015), no. 2, 255–286. pdf

[9] Moduli space of meromorphic differentials with marked horizontal separatrices, (2015), Accepted in AGT pdf


[NN] A combinatorial move on the set of Jenkins-Strebel differentials, (2014), preprint pdf softwares  (non soumis)

[10] Geodesic length spectrum of hyperelliptic components, [avec E. Lanneau] accepted for publication in J. Eur. Math. Soc. (2021), pdf

[11] Systoles in translation surface, [avec S. Geninska] accepté pour publication dans Bull. SMF, pdf

[12] The automorphism group of Rauzy diagrams, (2020) pdf

[13] Relative systoles in hyperelliptic translation surface, [avec S. Geninska] (2020), pdf