Academic distinctions
- Member of the “Académie d’Occitanie des Arts, Lettres, Sciences et Traditions Populaires” ;(admission :June 19th 2012)
- Chevalier de la Légion d’Honneur, (Journal Officiel de la République Française du 16 avril 2006)
- Honorary citizen of the towns of Albi and Gaillac , (81), France.(2005)
- Member of the « Société Toulousaine de Philosophie ».
Principal Diplomas
- « Doctorat d’état es sciences, spécialité mathématiques, Université P. Sabatier, Toulouse III, mention Très Honorable, 13-12- 1996 »
- « Doctorat en science politique, Université de Toulouse I, mention Très Honorable, 4-09- 1996. »
- « Doctorat d’état es lettres et sciences humaines, spécialité philosophie, Université de Toulouse Le Mirail, Toulouse II, mention Honorable, 05-06-1990 »
- « Doctorat de spécialité de Mathématiques pures, option géométrie différentielle, Université P.Sabatier, Toulouse III, mention Très Honorable, 05-07-1983 »
- « C.A.P.E.S. de Mathématiques, mention Très Bien, Paris, 1967 »
Actual professional activities
- Principal coordinator of the International Center CAIROS,
- Principal coordinator of the research_group:” Mathématiques et Physique, enseignement supérieur”;I.R.E.M. of Toulouse-(Institut de recherche pour l’enseignement des mathématiques de Toulouse).
Previous professional activities,(2005-2008)
- Responsible of the lectures on Differential Geometry at the University Institute of Preparation of Teachers of Toulouse, (I.U.F.M. of Toulouse)
- Responsible of a seminar on Mathematical Physics at The Mathematical Research Institute for Teaching of Toulouse, (I.R.E.M. of Toulouse ).
- Tutor of students.
Recent research experience
- Member of the Laboratory of Mathematics E. Picard, inside The Institute of Mathematics of Toulouse open on January ,31, 2007.
- Editor of « Advances in Applied Clifford Algebras », published by Birkhäuser ,Basel.
- Member of the International Advisory Committee since,2005, and chosen as the responsible of the organization of I.C.C.A.7, the seventh International Conference on Clifford Algebras and their Applications , held in Toulouse , France , at the University Paul Sabatier and located at SUPAERO, May 19-25, 2005;
- Member of the International Advisory Board of ICCA8, the eighth International Conference on Clifford Algebras , to be held at the university of Campinas ,Brazil , in May 2008
- Invited to ICCA9 as an invited speaker. Two plenary lectures:”In memory to Prof. Jaime Keller”and “Some comments on the birth and the progress of Clifford algebras”
- Founder and Principal Coordinator of the International Center : C.A.I.R.O.S.,(Clifford Algebras International Rese)arch Open Studies ), inside the Laboratory E. Picard of the Institute of Mathematics of Toulouse, April 23, 2007, website :
- Member of the jury of french « Concours Communs Polytechniques », since 2001.
- Reviewer of Mathematical reviews since 1988; Reviewer of ZentralBlatt Math.
- Responsible of the cooperation between the University of Technology of Helsinki and the University P. Sabatier, (1983)
- Invited by the Laboratory LUTH of Meudon, France(Observatory of Meudon), to organize a seminar about Clifford Algebras, Conformal Groups and The Cayley-Dickson Process in November 2005, (Laurent Nottale and Thierry Lehner, organizers).
- Invited by Luciano Boi,” Ecole des Hautes Etudes En Sciences Sociales” to deliver lectures in November 2006 on Clifford Algebras and Physics.
- Member of the Scientific Committee of the Laboratory: :Pensée des Sciences, Ecole Normale Supérieure de Paris”.
- Member of the scientific committee of the laboratory:”Centre d’étude des formes”, Université J. Moulin, Lyon.
Principal foreign missions
- Research missions to Helsinki, Finland,(University of Technology): 24-10-1982, 31-10-1982;28-10 1983,04-11-1983,(Invitations of Pertti Lounesto)
- Lectures given at the seminar of Pertti Lounesto on Conformal spin structures on manifolds and on Conformal symplectic spin structures.
- Cooperation between the University of Technology of Helsinki and the University Paul Sabatier of Toulouse. Official Visit to Toulouse of President M. Koivisto of the Republic of Finland, (17- 11-1983)
- New mission in Finland given by the French Foreign Office in 1985
- Invited by the organizing Committee to the first International Conference on Clifford Algebras: namely:
“Nato and Serc Advanced Workshop on Clifford Algebras and their applications in mathematical physics”, at the University of Kent at Canterbury, England to deliver two lectures:” Even Clifford Algebras of Quadratic regular spaces »-17-09 –85- , published in the proceedings of the workshop and « Real conformal spinoriality groups and real conformal spin structures on manifolds »,- 20- 09- 85.
- Invited to the third Symposium of Differential Geometry of Peniscola, Spain, (June 1988)
- Invited to the International Conference on Clifford Algebras in Montpellier, France.
Lecture given,(20-08-1989), « Triality for standard vector spaces Er,s »
- Invited,(10-17 June 1990), by the Acadamy of Sciences of Poland to deliver lectures on Differential Geometry, at the International Conference of Mialowiecza.
- Invited by D. Hestenes, University of Tempe, Arizona, U.S.A.., in 1991.
- Invited to the Fourth International Conference on Clifford Algebras, at Aachen, Germany., June 28-31, 1996
- Invited to The international Conference on Clifford algebras at Ixtapa, Mexico, 1999,to deliver two lectures
- Invited to the sixth International Conference on Clifford algebras and their apllications, May 18-25, 2002, to deliver three lectures, State University of Tennessee at Cookeville, U.S.A.,(organizers J; Ryan and R. Ablamowicz).
- Responsible of the organization of ICCA7, May 10-25, 2005, University P; Sabatier- Supaero, Toulouse , France. Two lectures given.
- Invited to the « International Conference on numerical analysis and applied mathematics », Rhodes, 16-09-2005 ; 21-09-2005.(organizer W;Sproessig)
- Invited to The « International Meeting of the Society of Engineering sciences” August,13-16 2006,
- Invited to ICCA9 as an invited Speaker.Two plenary lectures:In memory to Prof. Jaime Keller and Some comments on the birth and the progress of Clifford algebras.
PennState University in University Park, PA.
- Invited by the Laboratory LUTH of Meudon, France(Observatory of Meudon), to organize a seminar about Clifford Algebras, Conformal Groups and The Cayley-Dickson Process in November 2005, (Laurent Nottale and Thierry Lehner, organizers).
- Invited by Luciano Boi,” Ecole des Hautes Etudes En Sciences Sociales” to deliver lectures in November 2006 on Clifford Algebras and Physics.
- Invited in November 2-4, 2005 to the “ Journées Algébres Géométriques et Applications “ organized at the CIRM of Luminy.France, by Nabil Anwer and Laurent Fuchs. Two lectures given
- Member of the scientific committee of ICCA8, Campinas, Brazil, May 2008, (organizers W A..Rodrigues Jr.and J.Vaz Jr.)
- Invited to the seminar of Luciano Boi at” Ecole des Hautes Etudes en Sciences Sociales de Paris “ in 2008.
- Member of the scientific committee of AGACSE’2008, Leipzig , August 17-19.
Selected publications in Mathematical Physics
- « Construction de revêtements du groupe conforme d’un espace vectoriel muni d’une métrique de type (p,q) », Annales de l’I.H.P.,Section A,vol.XXXIII, no1, 1980, pp.33-51.
- « Géométrie spinorielle conforme orthogonale triviale et groupes de spinorialité conformes », Report HTKK Math .A 195, 1982, pp.1-36, Helsinki University of Technology
- « Construction de revêtements du groupe conforme symplectique CSp(2r, IR). Définition des structures spinorielles conformes symplectiques », Simon Stevin, a quaterly journal of pure and applied mathematics, . vol. 60, no 1, 1986, pp.57-82,Gent, Belgium.
- « Algèbres de Clifford C+(r,s) des espaces quadratiques pseudo-euclidiens standards Er,s et structures correspondantes sur les espaces de spineurs associés ; plongements naturels des quadriques projectives associées », pp.79-91 of the book : vol. 123 series C, Publications of lOTAN, « Clifford algebras and their applications in mathematical physics » edited by J.S.R. Chisholm and A.K . Common, D.Reidel Publishing Company, 1986.
- «Real conformal spin structures on manifolds », Studia Scientiarum Mathematicarum Hungarica, 23 (1988), pp.115-139, Akadémial Kiadô, Budapest., Hungary
- « Groupes spinoriels des espaces pseudo-euclidiens standards et quadriques projectives réelles associées », Simon Stevin, a quaterly journal of pure and applied mathematics, vol.63,, no 1, Mars 1989, pp.3-44, Gent, Belgium.
- « Algèbres de Clifford associées à U(p,q) et à SO*(2n) », Simon Stevin , a quaterly journal of pure and applied mathematics, vol. 63, no 3-4, pp. 231-276, 1989, Gent, Belgium.
- « Etude de la trialité en signature quelconque pour les espaces vectoriels réels standards de dimension paire », Journal of natural geometry, The Mathematical Research Unit, London,Volume 14, 1998, pp. 1-42.
- « Opérateurs de création et d’annihilation et algèbres de Clifford », Annales de la Fondation Louis de Broglie, Volume 28, no 3-4, 2003, pp 331-355 (with René- Louis Clerc)
- « Pseudo-unitary conformal groups and Clifford algebras for standard pseudo-hermitian spaces », Advances in Applied Clifford Algebras, Birkhäuser Basel, volume 14, number .1, pp.1-34, March 2004.
- « Structure spinorielle associée à un espace vectoriel quaternionnien à droite E sur IH, muni d’une forme sesquilinéaire b non dégénérée IH–anti-hermitienne, pp.291-316, Volume 15, Number2, pp..291-316, Advances in applied Clifford Algebras
- « Pseudo-unitary conformal spin structures on manifolds », pp.1 –32, submitted for publication in December 2005 to the Proceedings de I.C.C.A.7 and accepted for publication.
- Editor of the Proceedings of the Conference ICCA7 Vol. 18, N° 3-4, pp.287-1032, 2008 Special Issue of the journal: Advances In Applied Clifford Algebras Chief Editor : Jaime Keller, Academy of Sciences of Mexico, published by Birkhäuser, Basel.
- author of the preface pp. 287-311
- Editor of the proceedings of the Preparatory Conference of ICCA7 Vol; 19, N° 3-4, pp. 497-957, 2009 Special issue of Advances In Applied Clifford Algebras Chief Editor : Jaime Keller, Academy of Sciences of Mexico, published by Birkhäuser, Basel.
- author of the preface,pp.497-499
- The structure of the Clifford algebra, pp.585-610, Vol. 19, N° 3-4 Advances in applied Clifford algebras
- « Conformal groups in geometry and spin structures »,book of 284 pages , prefaces by Jaime Keller ,Member of the Academy of Sciences of Mexico and by José Bertin, Institut Joseph Fourier, Grenoble, collection “Progress in Mathematical physics”, volume 50 , ISBN:0817651222, BIRKHAUSER, 1st edition, 19 November 2007.
- Dimension of Clifford Algebras for standard pseudo-hertmitian spaces, Advances in applied Clifford algebras, 2009, Birkhäuser Verlag Basel DO1 10.1007/s0006-0147-6,PP1-6.
- Study of Some fundamental Projective quadrics associated with a standard pseudo-unitary space H(p,q) Advances in Applied Clifford algebras, 21,(2011), pp.233-246
- with Jaime Keller publication of two papers , each of one of 15 pages in the proceedings of an international conference at Trieste
- Some comments on the birth and the progress of Clifford algebras, pp.1-30, Proceedings of ICCA9
- A few comments on the Clifford algebra CL(2) of the standard Euclidean plane, Adv. Appl. Clifford Algebras 22,(2012), pp. 519-535.
Teaching work
Some teaching papers
- « Communications à l’Inspection des mathématiques au Maroc sur l’enseignement des mathématiques », Rabat, Morocco, 1970.
- « Détermination de l’Indicateur d’Euler en application des propriétés de la fonction partie entière »,pp.145-151, « Bulletin national n° 302 de l’A.P.M.E.P. ,Paris. »
- « Etude comparative de trois axiomatiques de géométrie plane », Publication of the I.R.E.M. of Toulouse ; « Bulletins régionaux no 12-13, pp.1-120 ; 1980. »
- « La notion de spin en physique et les spineurs », pp.1-40, Publication of the I.R.E.M. de Toulouse, February 1986.Lecture given on 12 –02-1986.
- « Préliminaires à toute didactique », pp.1- 30, Publication of the I.R.E.M. of Toulouse, 1986.
Teaching books
- « Précis de Mécanique Générale »,250 pages , Supaéro, Toulouse, 1971.
- Préparation au CAPES de Mathématiques : « Notions de Logique », pp.1-25, U.F.R. M.I.G.. of Toulouse, 1975.
- Notions fondamentales utiles en mécanique », pp.1-40, Préparation au CAPES de Mathématiques , Toulouse, 1970.
- « Précis de géométrie », pp. 1-80. Préparation au Capes de Mathématiques, Toulouse, 1986.
- « Cours d’Analyse, Algèbre et Géométrie Différentielle », 3 volumes, chacun de120 pages, I.P.S.T., Toulouse, 1987.
- « Cours d’algèbre linéaire et bilinéaire », pp.1-250, « Ecole des Mines d’Albi », 1995.
- « Cours de calcul tensoriel et d’analyse sur les variétés », pp.1-120, « Ecole des mines d’Albi », 1995.
Teaching and research book
- « Formalisme canonique relativiste »,vol. VI, written with Jean Duc et honored by a letter of presentation written by O. Costa de Beauregard. , pp.1—100, “dépôt légal n°74035, E.N.S.A.E.,Toulouse, 1986.
Papers for the Mathematical Institute of research for Teaching of Toulouse, (I.R.E.M.)
- In « Le fil d’Ariane » journal of IREM of Toulouse, publication of 20 teaching papers ,each one of 20 pages.
Lectures given at the IREM of Toulouse
- 50 lectures given about Foundations of Mathematics, Geometry and Physics, since 1986
Research Work in Philosophy, Epistemology, Political Science,History of Sciences and Techniques
President of the organizing Committee of the Seventh International Conference in Philosophy ; :« L’homme dans l’espace Cosmique, Passé et Avenir », 18-24 july 1995, « Ecole des Mines d’Albi » , in links with the Academy of Athens, Rector- Academician E. Moutsopoulos, with the effective participation of René Thom et Guy Lazorthes, Members of the “Institut de France”, A. de Peretti, A. Jacquart, J.Attali, P. Baudry.Two lectures given.
Invited speaker in 1992 by the town hall of Bayonne for the “Entretiens of Bayonne”.Lecture given on May, 19, 1992: « Le miroir éclaté du temps ».
Invited in 1992 par Mrs. E.Schwartz to her : « Centre d’Epistémologie comparative » at Aix en Provence, France .Lectures given
Founder of a Center of Research in Epistemology at the I.U.F.M. of Toulouse in 1994.
Member of the Research Doctoral School in Philosophy of the University of Toulouse le Mirail.
Member of”Formation doctorale de philosophie de l’université de Toulouse Le Mirail”.Codirector of research and advisor since1989 (participation to 4 jurys of «D.E.A. d’Histoire de la Philosophie » at the University of Toulouse le Mirail and to a jury of “Doctorat d’état”, as an advisor.
Research Mission to the Academy of Athens, (1-116 2000,6-11-2000), to work with the Greek Academician E. Moutsopoulos, on Temporality.
Publications of research papers in Philosophy in the greek journals of Philosophy : Diotima and Philosophia « L’éclatement du temps », Diotima, volume 20, pp.168-176, 1992; « La raison du temps », Philosophia, Vol.21-22, 1992, pp.186-196. ; « Logique de la pensée mythique », pp.1-55, submitted in 2013 to the journal Philosophia of the Academy of Athens.
Invited to deliver two lectures on the temporality in 2006 at the “Academie des Sciences et Belles Lettres de Toulouse “ and on June ,12, 2007.
Invited in 2008 by Charles Alunni to his seminar at the “ L’Ecole Normale Supérieure de Paris”.
Publication of research books in Philosophy, Epistemology, History of Sciences and Techniques
- Publication of a book : « La Cité ou Etude des rapports entre le mythe et la politique chez Platon », 540 pages, Presses Universitaires du Septentrion, July 1998,Villeneuve d’Ascq,Nord ISBN : 26284600547-0
- Publication of 2 volumes : « L’archange d’immortalité ou essai mathématique d’approche du phénomène de rajeunissement dans l’antiquité » A.N.R.T. , February 2007, Lille. ISBN : 978-2-7295-6829-0,vol.1, pp. 1-729 ; vol.2, pp. 730-1248.
- Publication of a book: “L’unification des Mathématiques. Algèbres géométriques, géométrie algébrique et philosophie de Langlands”avec Daniel Parrochia et Artibano Micali,183 pages.,Hemes- Lavoisier 2012, ISBN : 978-2-7462-3838-1.
- Book in progress : « Il était une fois la logique »,220 pages.
- Book in progress : « Les grands problèmes scientifiques contemporains »,350 pages.
- Book in progress : « Portraits mathématiques », , corresponding to the lectures given on the History of Mathematical Sciences at the University Paul Sabatier , 380 pages.
- Book in progress : “ The Heritage of W.K. Clifford”, 350 pages.