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Genealogy of the extremal process of the branching random walk

Bastien Mallein, ALEA Lat. Am. J. Probab. Math. Stat., 15 (2018), no. 2, 1065--1087.

Still-life of Books



  title = {Genealogy of the extremal process of the branching random walk},
  author = {Mallein, Bastien},
  journal = {ALEA Lat. Am. J. Probab. Math. Stat.},
  fjournal = {ALEA Latin-American Journal of Probability and Mathematical Statistics},
  volume = {15},
  number = {2},
  pages= {n°39, 1065--1087},
  url = {https://doi.org/10.30757/ALEA.v15-39},
  doi = {10.30757/ALEA.v15-39},
  year = {2018},