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On the length of the shortest path in a sparse Barak-Erdős graph

Bastien Mallein et Pavel Tesemnikov, Stat. Probab. Lett., 190 (2022), no. , 5 p..

Still-life of Books



 Author = {Mallein, Bastien and Tesemnikov, Pavel},
 Title = {On the length of the shortest path in a sparse {Barak}-{Erd{\H{o}}s} graph},
 FJournal = {Statistics \& Probability Letters},
 Journal = {Stat. Probab. Lett.},
 ISSN = {0167-7152},
 Volume = {190},
 Pages = {5},
 Note = {Id/No 109634},
 Year = {2022},
 Language = {English},
 DOI = {10.1016/j.spl.2022.109634},
 Keywords = {05C80,05C20,60F05,05C12,05C38},
 zbMATH = {7595492},
 Zbl = {1504.05265}