I am Director of the CNRS National Institute for Mathematical Sciences and their Interactions (INSMI) since August 2021. I am currently seconded to the CNRS as a Senior Researcher and member of the Institut de Mathématiques de Toulouse - UMR 5219. My research topics concern mathematical and numerical analysis as well as scientific computing. I am particularly interested in the derivation of accurate and efficient numerical schemes to compute solutions to partial differential dispersive equations. One of my other favorative topic of research concerns analysis of transparent and absorbing boundary conditions.
I was head of CIMI LabEx, International Center of Mathematics and Computer Science of Toulouse from 2014 to 2021.
Habilitation Thesis, 2004
Toulouse 3 University
PhD in Applied Mathematics, 1998
Bordeaux University
See below for a full list of publications
August 2021 - present: Senior researcher at CNRS, member of the Institut de Mathématiques de Toulouse
September 2013 - August 2021: Professor at the Université Toulouse 3, member of the Institut de Mathématiques de Toulouse
September 2005 - August 2013: Professor at the Université de Lille, member of the Laboratoire Paul Painlevé
December 2004 : French Habilitation Thesis at the Université Toulouse 3: Méthodes numériques et conditions aux limites artificielles pour les équations de Schrödinger linéaires et non linéaires et modélisation d’irrégularités du plasma ionosphérique.
September 1998-2005 : Associate Professor at the Laboratoire de Mathématiques pour l’Industrie et la Physique, Université Toulouse 3.
September 1995-February 1998: Ph.D. Thesis in Applied Mathematics at the Institut de Mathématiques de Bordeaux, Université de Bordeaux.
Director of the CNRS National Institute for Mathematical Sciences and their Interactions (INSMI) since August 2021
Director of the LabEx International Centre for Mathematics and Computer Science in Toulouse (May 2014 - March 2021)
Director of the Laboratoire Paul Painlevé (January 2010 - August 2013)