Herman's manuscripts
M. Shishikura has put on his webpage scans of copies of 3 manuscripts of Herman that were never published. I thank him, and I have decided to type them and translate them in english. Click to download the PDF files.
The documents below can also be found on the web site of Collège de France.
- Manuscript n°2. In French, in English.
Quasi symmetric conjugacy from circle diffeomorphisms to rotations and applications to singular Siegel disks, I (?) - Manuscript n°1. In French, in English.
Quasisymmetric conjugacy of analytic circle homeomorphisms to rotations - Manuscript n°3. In French, in English.
Uniformity of the Swiatek distorsion for compact families of Blaschke products - A note I wrote about manuscript n°3. In French, in English.