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A tc is a data structure encoding a complex number and a variation of this number. The operations I define on these numbers are the same as most operations on complex numbers. The corresponding C++ library of functions that I designed really made writing my programs easier, especially for distance estimator methods.


A tc is a complex number z together with a complex vector dz attached. The notation dz is probably not the best but it is to mimic physicist notation, like \[(z+dz)\times(w+dw)=w\,z+(w\,dz+z\,dw)+\text{neglected}\] or \[\cos(z+dz)=\cos(z)-\sin(z)dz.\] A mathematical reinterpretation in terms of jets is given below.

Operator overloading

C++ allows operator overloading. In other words, you can use instructions like d=c+a*b in your programs, with any kind type of objects for a,b,c,d.

This is why it is much easier to program with complex numbers in C++ than in many other languages. Compare C++


with Java (no operator overloading)


or worse, with C



One defines operations on tc objects as follows: \[(z,dz) + (w,dw) = (z+w,dz+dw)\] \[(z,dz) \times (w,dw) = (z\,w,w\,dz+z\,dw)\] \[-(z,dz) = (-z,-dz)\] \[1/(z,dz) = (1/z,-dz/zˆ2)\] \[\overline{(z,dz)} = (\overline{z},\overline{dz})\] \[\exp(z,dz)=(\exp(z),\exp(z)dz)\] \[\cos(z,dz)=(\cos(z),-\sin(z)dz)\] \[etc...\]

Tangent space and jets

One can imagine that a tc pair (z,dz) represents a moving point, starting from z and moving at speed dz: $z(t)=z+dz\,t+o(t)$ . In other words it is an element in the tangent space TC of the complex numbers field C. This is why I chose the name tc for the C++ class. It can also be considered as 1-jets (can be generalized to higher degree power series expansions, like the $(z,b,c)$ being a 2-jet representing $z(t)=z+b\,t+c\,t^2+o(t^2)$). Jets are differential geometry object, i.e. there are specific formulae for computing how their expression (coordinates) changes when changing variables.


The tc objects compute derivatives for you!

Say you defined Z=(z,1), computed W=cos(Z×Z) and got W=(a,b). Then a=cos(z×z) and b=the derivative ∂a/∂z at z: you did not need to determine that $\partial \cos(z^2)/\partial z=-2z\sin(z^2)$, the class computed b iteratively for you.


Either I will put code here or a link to download code.