L'objet de la rencontre est de réunir informellement
mathématiciens et informaticiens sur les perspectives et
applications de la topologie, en particulier la topologie en petites
dimensions, la théorie des graphes, la topologisation et la
compactification d'espaces et de structures algébriques,
à la théorie des langages au sens large. Tout
thème intéressant la topologie et la théorie des
langages, y compris la direction réciproque (applications de la
théorie des langages à la topologie), sera
considéré. L'idée est de prendre le risque
d'intéresser un public (informaticien et/ou
mathématicien) non encore familier avec les outils et les
perspectives que l'on expose. Le format est de type "workshop" avec des
exposés de 45 minutes afin de favoriser les discussions
La rencontre débutera mercredi matin 22 juin et se terminera le vendredi 24 juin à midi. Le programme sera publié prochainement.
rencontre est organisée en partie avec le soutien de
l'ANR-11-LABX-0040-CIMI dans le cadre du programme ANR-11-IDEX-0002-02
et par le GDR IM.
Est prévue la prise en charge des frais de séjour
à Toulouse. Les frais de déplacement seront pris en
charge dans la limite du budget disponible et dans l'ordre des demandes
reçues par les organisateurs. Les demandes de prise en charge sont à
présent closes (01/06). Merci de contacter directement l'un des
organisateurs si vous souhaitez assister à la rencontre.
The aim of the conference is to bring informally together
mathematicians and computer scientists on the perspectives and
applications of topology, including low-dimensional topology, graph
theory, topology and compactification of algebraic spaces and
structures, to language theory, in the broad sense, and
conversely. We invite all people interested by those themes to take
part to the conference and contact the organizers. The goal consists in reaching to the audience
of mathematicians and / or computer scientists possibly non familiar
with the tools and perspectives one wishes to develop. The conference,
intended as a workshop with 45-minutes talks, allowing for transversal
informal discussions, will take place at the Institut de
Mathématiques de Toulouse.
The conference will begin wednesday morning, june 22, and will end
friday, june 24, at noon. The program will be released soon.
The conference is partially supported by ANR-11-LABX-0040-CIMI, within programme
ANR-11-IDEX-0002-02, and by GDR IM.
The registration for speakers and for funding is now closed. However please contact any of the organizers if you wish to attend.
Organisateurs / Organizers:
Guillaume Bonfante, Florian Deloup, Etienne Fieux, Denis Kuperberg
Guillaume.Bonfante<replace by @>loria.fr
Florian.Deloup<replace by @>math.univ-toulouse.fr
Etienne.Fieux<replace by @>math.univ-toulouse.fr
Denis.Kuperberg<replace by @>gmail.com
Confirmed speakers
Joan Bellier-Milles (IMT, Toulouse)
Guillaume Bonfante (INRIA, Nancy)
Fabienne Chouraqui (Université de Haïfa)
Laure Daviaud (ENS Lyon)
Bérénice Delcroix-Oger (IMT, Toulouse)
Florian Deloup (IMT, Toulouse)
David Fernández-Duque (IRIT, Toulouse)
Etienne Fieux (IMT, Toulouse)
Denis Kuperberg (Université de Münich)
Simon Perdrix (CNRS, Nancy)
Sylvain Pogodalla (INRIA, Nancy)
Christian Retoré (Université de Montpellier)
Sylvain Salvati (INRIA, Bordeaux)
Michał Skrzypczak (Université de Varsovie)
Presentation slides
hotel Riquet is located 92 rue Riquet, a 5 minutes' walk from the train
station (Toulouse Matabiau), a 10 minutes' walk from the subway (Jean
Université Paul Sabatier is a 15 minutes subway ride from the "Jean
Jaurès" station: line B, direction Ramonville, stop at the
"Université Paul Sabatier" station.
From the airport (Blagnac) to the hotel Riquet: about 25 to 40 minutes.
shuttle (8 euros) to Jean-Jaurès (about 20-40 minutes depending on
fraffic). Walk up Jean Jaurès Allées from Jean-Jaurès station.
Turn right to rue Riquet. The hotel Riquet is located 92, rue
Riquet (5 to 10 minutes' walk).
From the airport (Blagnac) to Université Paul Sabatier : about 35 to 50 minutes.
Option A (8 euros): bus shuttle + subway: bus shuttle (8 euros) to Jean
Jaurès (about 20-40 minutes depending on traffic); transfer (same
ticket) to subway (Jean
Jaurès station), look for line B, direction Ramonville, stop at the
station "Université Paul Sabatier" (about 15 minutes).
- Option
B (1,60 euro): tramway + subway: tram to terminus (Palais de Justice);
transfer (with same ticket) to subway (Palais de Justice station),
direction Ramonville,stop at the station "Université Paul Sabatier".
From the train station (Toulouse Matabiau) to Université Paul Sabatier: about 25 minutes.
subway (line A: direction Basso Cambo): stop at "Jean Jaurès", transfer
to line B, direction Ramonville, stop at "Université Paul Sabatier".
Campus: the Institute of Mathematics is located next to the
Administration Building, 3 minutes' walk from the subway station
"Université Paul Sabatier". It consists of buildings 1R1, 1R2 and 1R3.
Florian Deloup's office is located in Building 1R2, 2nd floor, Office
233 (Tel. 05 61 55 76 61). The secretaries for the conference are Mrs
Martine Bermond and Isabelle Guichard. Their offices for the conference
are located in Building 1R3, 1st floor, Offices106 and 114, Tel. 05 51
55 77 49 and 05 61 55 64 66 respectively.
Subway mapCampus map
VeloToulouse (site for urban bike renting in Toulouse -- in French)