Load necessary functions. Function generateData
vous simulates an independant sample from the following process:
We will use a fixed training set which we plot.
%matplotlib inline
from matplotlib import pyplot
import math
import numpy as np
import scipy.misc
import numpy.random as npr
import sklearn as sk
from sklearn import neighbors
from sklearn import kernel_ridge
def generateData(n,seed=1):
x = npr.rand(n)*2 - 1
y = np.sin(x*5) + npr.normal(size=n) / np.sqrt(10)
(xn,yn) = generateData(n,3)
xSeq = np.array(np.linspace(-1,1,1000)).reshape(-1,1)
pyplot.plot(xSeq,np.sin(xSeq * 5),'--')
[<matplotlib.lines.Line2D at 0x7f08580a4710>]
Training set is fixed. Implement the kernel linear regression and represent the result with laplacian
Use kernel_ridge.KernelRidge with $\alpha = 0$ (why?).
What is the parameter $\gamma$? Represent the result several values of $\gamma$. What do you observe? Why is this called kernel interpolation?
pyplot.plot(xSeq,np.sin(xSeq * 5),'--', label = "Bayes")
gammas = (1,10,40)
Training set is fixed. Draw the kernel ridge regression estimator with the 'laplacian'
with bandwidth parameter $\gamma$.
Use kernel_ridge.KernelRidge
from scikit-learn
Represent the result for $\gamma = 1,10,100$. Make some comments.
pyplot.plot(xSeq,np.sin(xSeq * 5),'--', label = "Bayes")
gammas = (1,10,100)
Text(0.5,1,'Kernel ridge: varying gamma (bandwidth)')
Same question with $\gamma = 10$ and with the $\alpha$ parameter ($\lambda$ in the course) taking values $0.01,0.1,1,10,100$. Comments.
pyplot.plot(xSeq,np.sin(xSeq * 5),'--', label = "Bayes")
alphas = (0.01,0.1,1,10,100)
Text(0.5,1,'Kernel ridge: varying alpha (regularization weight)')
Use the laplacian kernel
with $\gamma = 1, 10, 100$. For each value of $\gamma$, for $n = 10, 100, 1000$, generate a training set of size $n$, tune the alpha
parameter of sk.kernel_ridge.KernelRidge
using 5 fold cross validation and plot the estimated regressor.
What do you observe?
Perform the same experiments with the other kernels.
Perform the same experiments by computing kernel matrices yourself and only using linear algebra for training and testing. Verify that you observe the same results as scikit-learn
(xn,yn) = generateData(n,3)
pyplot.plot(xSeq,np.sin(xSeq * 5),'--', label = "Bayes")
Text(0.5,1,'Kernel ridge: varying alpha (regularization weight)')
Text(0.5,1,'Kernel ridge: varying gamma (bandwidth)')