Arolla, Valais 6-8 décembre 2010
L'Hotel du Mont-Collon
Autour des surfaces tropicales
Dec 5 (Sunday).
Arrival before 19h. 19-21h. dinner.
Dec 6 (Monday) and Dec 7 (Tuesday)
8-10h breakfast
10:00-10:45 supporting talk.
coffee break
11:15-12:00 part 1 of the lecture (Losev)
12-14h lunch
walks (also possibility for snowshoeing or nordic skiing)
coffee break
16:30-19h part 2 of the lecture (Losev) + discussion + supporting lecture
19-21h dinner
Dec 8 (Wednesday)
8-10h breakfast
10:00-10:45 supporting talk.
coffee break
11:15-12:00 part 1 of the lecture (Losev)
12-14h lunch
14-15:30 part 2 of the lecture (Losev) + discussions.
departure (the last bus down leaves Arolla at 17:22)