G. Mikhalkin (Geneva)
Immersed real and tropical plane curves
We look at topological classification of tropical and real rational planar curves, in particular those of degree 5.
(Joint work in progress with Ilia Itenberg and Johannes Rau.)
15:30 Coffee
16:00 I. Itenberg (Paris)
Quantum enumeration of tropical curves.
Recently, Florian Block and Lothar Goettsche introduced new
polynomial multiplicities for plane tropical curves. We show that
these multiplicities give rise to a new invariant way to enumerate
plane tropical curves. This enumeration can be interpreted as a
certain refinement of Mikhalkin's tropical enumeration of complex
curves and has applications concerning enumeration of real curves.
(Joint work with Grigory Mikhalkin.)
19:30 Wine and Cheese at Garnisongasse 3, 2nd floor
09:00 Coffee
09:30 M. Polyak (Technion)
Knot and 3-manifold invariants via counting graphs and surfaces
I will start with a short overview of the so-called perturbative
invariants of links and 3-manifolds. While these invariants were
intensively studied in the last two decades, many questions,
inconsistencies and problems persist. The reason is that the
construction is based on some complicated Feynman integrals
(involving uni/trivalent graphs) in the perturbative Chern-Simons
theory and a lot of technicalities are involved. In the main part of
the talk I will describe an alternative elementary combinatorial
construction of these invariants. It involves counting trivalent
graphs in a link diagram. This approach immediately extends to
invariants of 3-manifolds. Our construction can be restated in terms
of counting certain surfaces ending on a link diagram. The latter
description seem to be a combinatorial counterpart of a so-called
"large N duality conjecture" by Gupakomar-Vafa, relating Chern-Simons
theory to open strings.
10:45 H. Markwig (Saarbruecken)
Tropical Hurwitz cycles
(joint work with Aaron Bertram and Renzo Cavalieri)
Double Hurwitz numbers count genus g degree d covers of the projective line with fixed ramification profile over zero and infinity and only simple ramification otherwise. They are piece-wise polynomial in the entries of the two special ramification profiles. The wall-crossing formulas can be expressed in terms of "smaller" Hurwitz numbers. Tropical analogues of double Hurwitz numbers have been helpful to discover some of their interesing features. We can also understand a double Hurwitz numbers as a zero-dimensional cycle in an appropriate moduli space of covers, resp. Ist push-forward into the moduli space of n-marked stable curves. We generalize this point of view by allowing higher-dimensional cycles corresponding to covers where we do not fix all simple ramification points.
We start by restricting to the case of genus zero. We consider both the tropical and algebraic version of these generalized Hurwitz cycles and study their connection, their piece-wise polynomial structure and wall-crossing behavious. In this talk, we will concentrate on tropical Hurwitz cycles.
12:00 L. Katzarkov (Vienna)
TSC and phantoms
We will look at theory of phantoms
from categorical and tropical prospective.
Local Organiser : Ludmil Katzarkov
Organisers : Benoît Bertrand, Erwan Brugallé, Ilia Itenberg, Grigory Mikhalkin
Vienna 14th-15th 2012
Dec. 14, Hoersaal 2, UZA2
Dec. 15, C 209, UZA4