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Couverture des Voyages Extraordinaires, de Jules Verne

Some open problems I don't know how to solve

My research themes


I was lucky enough to work (among others) with the following wonderful people:
Gerold Alsmeyer, Mohamed Ali Belloum, Julien Berestycki, Jean Bertoin, Romain Biard, Vincent Brault, Éric Brunet, Dariusz Buraczewski, Stéphane Caron, Xinxin Chen, Aser Cortines, Adrien Escande, Sergey Foss, Clément Foucart, Partha Pratim Ghosh, Cole Graham, Bénédicte Haas, Hui He, Yueyun Hu, Alexander Iksanov, Emilien Joly, Yujin H. Kim, Takis Konstantopoulos, Leonardo Lanari, Yier Lin, Jiaqi Liu, Eyal Lubetzky, Chunhua Ma, Thomas Madaule, Pascal Maillard, Piotr Miłoś, Michel Pain, Quang-Cuong Pham, Landy Rabehasaina, Sanjay Ramassamy, Jean-François Rupprecht, Jason Schweinsberg, Quan Shi, Arvind Singh, Jean-Jacques Slotine, Roman Stasiński, Pavel Tesemnikov, Ofer Zeitouni

I will try to add on this page some informations on these models, and maybe some projects I'm currently involved in.