Κωνσταντίνος Π. Καβάφης - Ιθάκη
- 2017-present : PhD. thesis, "The universal property of dg-categories", at Paul Sabatier University (Toulouse 3), in Toulouse, France. Under the supervision of Bertrand Toën and Frédéric Déglise.
- March-July 2017 : Master thesis, "A semi-orthogonal decomposition of P^n", at Bourgogne University, in Dijon, France. Under the supervision of Frédéric Déglise and Daniele Faenzi.
- 2016-2017 : Second year of the Advanced Mathematics Master, jointly offered by Claude Bernard University (Lyon 1) and the École Normale Supérieure de Lyon, in Lyon, France. Speciality on Algebraic Topology and Calculations (Topologie et Calculs Algébriques).
- 2015-2016 : Grant on collaboration with research work, over 9 months, at the department of Algebra, Mathematical Analysis, Geometry and Topology, at Valladolid University, in Valladolid, Spain.
- 2015-2016: Bachelor thesis, "The field of p-adic numbers. Algebraic and topological properties", at Valladolid University, in Valladolid, Spain. Under the supervision of Jesús M. Domínguez.
- 2014-2015 : ERASMUS+ at Montpellier University (Montpellier 2), following the courses of the first year of the Mathematics and Applications Master.
- 2011-2016 : Undergraduate degree in Mathematics at Valladolid University, in Valladolid, Spain.
- June 2011 : University Entrance Prize of Castilla y León (Spain).
- 2017-present :Co-organiser of the Picard PhD seminar.
- 2017-present : Supervision of middle school students during "internships at the workplace" programs.
- 20 March 2020 : Gave a talk called "Worldbuilding: mathematical approach and speculative fiction" at the interdisciplinary workshop Literature and exact sciences: poetic truth and scientific beauty (Littérature et Sciences Exactes: verité poétique et beauté scientifique). (postponed because of the Coronavirus)
- 2017-2018 : Colaborator in the project Geometer's viewpoint (Regard de géométre).
- 2016-2017 : Volonteer work at Plaisir Maths
- 2015-2016 : Sat the courses of Logic and Philosophy of Sciences from the Philosophy degree at Valladolid University, in Valladolid, Spain.
- 2013-2014 : Student representative at the department of Algebra, Mathematical Analysis, Geometry and Topology, at Valladolid University, in Valladolid, Spain.