
  1. Complex Monge-Ampère Equations and Geodesics in the Space of Kähler Metrics. Lect. Notes Math. 2038 (2012).
  2. An introduction to the Kähler-Ricci flow. Lecture Notes in Math. 2086, Springer (2013).
  3. Degenerate complex Monge-Ampère equations. V.Guedj and A.Zeriahi, EMS Tracts in Math. (2017), 496p.
  4. Introduction à la géométrie différentielle . V.Guedj, Dunod (2022), 238p.

Lecture notes M2-

  1. Propriétés ergodiques des applications rationnelles. Panoramas et synthèses 30 (2010).
  2. Dirichlet Problem in Domains of Cn, with A.Zeriahi. Lecture Notes in Math. 2038, pp13-32, Springer (2012).
  3. Geometric properties of maximal psh functions, with R.Dujardin. Lecture Notes Math.2038, pp33-52, Springer (2012).
  4. Kähler-Ricci flow on singular varieties, with S.Boucksom. Series of lectures for MACK in Toulouse, june 2011.
  5. Convergence of the Normalized Kähler-Ricci flow on Fano manifolds (after Perelman). MACK in Marrakech, Oct. 2011.
  6. Degenerate complex Monge-Ampère equations and singular Kähler-Einstein metrics. ICTP, Triest, June 2012.
  7. The metric completion of the Riemannian space of Kähler metrics. KIAS, Seoul, April 2013.

Notes de cours L3-M1.

  1. Agrégation interne. Cours-TD, 2016-2021.
  2. Géométrie différentielle. Notes de cours de Master 1, 2018-2021.
  3. Analyse fonctionnelle. Notes de cours de Master 1, 2010-2012.

Some talks

  1. Geometric estimates along the Kähler-Ricci flow, part one . Introductory Workshop: Special Geometric Structures and Analysis (3hrs), SLMath, Berkeley (USA), September 2024.
  2. Geometric estimates along the Kähler-Ricci flow, part two . Introductory Workshop: Special Geometric Structures and Analysis (3hrs), SLMath, Berkeley (USA), September 2024.
  3. Variational approach for canonical Kähler metrics. PhD course (4hrs), Le Croisic (France), June 2023.
  4. Plurisigned hermitian metrics. Complex geometry and dynamical systems, MFO (Germany), September 2022.
  5. Canonical metrics on compact Kaehler varieties. Complex Analysis and Geometry XXV, Levico (Italy), June 2021.
  6. Canonical Metrics and Kähler-Ricci Flow. PhD course (10hrs), Rome (Italy), April 2021.
  7. Pluripotential Kaehler-Ricci flows. Singular metrics in complex Kähler geometry, CIRM, February 2019.
  8. Quasi-plurisubharmonic envelopes and supersolutions. Grenoble, June 9 2017.
  9. Convergence of weak Kaehler-Ricci flows on minimal models of positive Kodaira dimension. MSRI, May 5 2016.
  10. Le problème de Calabi 1, 2, 3. Journées Louis Antoine, Rennes, octobre 2015.
  11. Weak Kaehler-Ricci flows. Shanghai, May 11 2015.
  12. Smoothing properties of the Kaehler-Ricci flow. Simons Center for Geometry and Physics, November 5 2014.
  13. Geometry and Topology of the space of Kaehler metrics. KIAS, April 9-12 2013.
  14. Convergence of the Normalized Kaehler-Ricci flow on Fano varieties. Stony-Brook, Blainefest, October 2012.
  15. Convergence of the Normalized Kaehler-Ricci flow on Fano varieties. Cambridge, May 9 2012.