- Nonlinear orbital stability of stationary shock profiles for the Lax-Wendroff scheme, with Grégory Faye,
november 2024, link to pdf
- The Neumann boundary condition for the two-dimensional Lax-Wendroff scheme II, with Antoine Benoit,
may 2024, link to pdf
- On some stable boundary closures of finite difference schemes for the transport equation, with Tomas Lundquist,
january 2020, link to pdf
(this note will not be submitted to publication)
- The amplitude equation for weakly nonlinear reversible phase boundaries, with Sylvie Benzoni-Gavage,
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(this note will not be submitted to publication)
- A priori estimates for 3D incompressible current-vortex sheets, with Alessandro Morando,
Paolo Secchi and Paola Trebeschi,
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Communications in Mathematical Physics (2012),
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- The hyperbolic region for hyperbolic boundary value problems,
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Osaka Journal of Mathematics (2011),
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- Uniqueness of 2D compressible vortex sheets, with Paolo Secchi, Communications on Pure and Applied Analysis (2009),
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- Nonlinear compressible vortex sheets in two space dimensions, with Paolo Secchi,
Annales Scientifiques de l'Ecole Normale Supérieure (2008),
link to final version (free online)
- Well-posedness of hyperbolic Initial Boundary Value Problems,
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Journal de Mathématiques Pures et Appliquées (2005),
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- Stability of contact discontinuities for the nonisentropic Euler equations, with Alessandro Morando,
Annali dell'Universita di Ferrara (2004),
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- On the transition to instability for compressible vortex sheets, with Paolo Secchi,
Proceedings of the Royal Society of Edinburgh Section A (2004),
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- The stability of compressible vortex sheets in two space dimensions, with Paolo Secchi,
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Indiana University Mathematics Journal (2004),
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- Weakly stable multidimensional shocks,
Annales de l'Institut Henri Poincaré - Analyse non linéaire (2004),
link to final version (free online)
- Stability of multidimensional undercompressive shock waves,
Interfaces and Free Boundaries (2003),
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- Weak stability of nonuniformly stable multidimensional shocks, SIAM Journal on Mathematical Analysis (2002),
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- Weakly nonlinear surface waves in magnetohydrodynamics, with Olivier Pierre,
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Asymptotic Analysis (2021),
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(the final published version is a short version of the complete work; some supplementary material with the complete proof of the main Theorem can be found
on the journal webpage)
- Geometric optics for surface waves in nonlinear elasticity, with Mark Williams,
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Memoirs of the American Mathematical Society (2020),
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- The Mach stem equation and amplification in strongly nonlinear geometric optics, with Mark Williams,
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American Journal of Mathematics (2017),
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- Singular pseudodifferential calculus for wavetrains and pulses, with Olivier Guès and
Mark Williams,
link to pdf, Bulletin de la Société Mathématique de France (2014),
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- Amplification of pulses in nonlinear geometric optics, with Mark Williams,
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Journal of Hyperbolic Differential Equations (2014),
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- Semilinear geometric optics with boundary amplification, with Olivier Guès and Mark Williams,
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Analysis and PDE (2014),
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- Nonlinear geometric optics for reflecting uniformly stable pulses, with Mark Williams,
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Journal of Differential Equations (2013),
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- On the amplitude equations for weakly nonlinear surface waves, with Sylvie Benzoni-Gavage,
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Archive for Rational Mechanics and Analysis (2012),
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- Resonant leading order geometric optics expansions for quasilinear hyperbolic fixed and free
boundary problems, with Olivier Guès and Mark Williams,
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Communications in Partial Differential Equations (2011),
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- Geometric optics expansions with amplification for hyperbolic boundary value problems: linear problems,
with Olivier Guès,
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Annales de l'Institut Fourier (2010),
link to final version (free online)
- On the Mach stem configuration with shallow angle, with Mark Williams,
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Indiana University Mathematics Journal (2020),
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- Boundary conditions for the Euler equations, with Sylvie Benzoni-Gavage and Stéphane Aubert,
AIAA Journal (2003),
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- Note on a paper by Robinet, Gressier, Casalis and Moschetta, with Sylvie Benzoni-Gavage and Denis Serre,
Journal of Fluid Mechanics (2002),
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- The local limit theorem for complex valued sequences: the parabolic case, with Grégory Faye,
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Comptes Rendus - Mathématique (2024), link to final version (free online)
- The Neumann boundary condition for the two-dimensional Lax-Wendroff scheme, with Antoine Benoit,
link to pdf,
Communications in Mathematical Sciences (2023), link to final version
- Sharp stability for finite difference approximations of hyperbolic equations with boundary conditions,
with Grégory Faye, link to pdf,
IMA Journal of Numerical Analysis (2023),
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- The Green's function of the Lax-Wendroff and Beam-Warming schemes,
link to pdf,
Annales Mathématiques Blaise Pascal (2022),
link to final version (free online)
- Generalized Gaussian bounds for discrete convolution powers, with Grégory Faye,
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Revista Matemática Iberoamericana (2022),
link to final version (free online)
- The Leray- Gårding method for finite difference schemes. II. Smooth crossing modes,
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North-Western European Journal of Mathematics (2021),
link to final version (free online)
- High order numerical schemes for transport equations on bounded domains,
with Benjamin Boutin, Thi Hoai Thuong Nguyen, Abraham Sylla and Sébastien Tran-Tien,
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ESAIM : Proceedings and Surveys (2021),
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- Discrete transparent boundary conditions for the two-dimensional leap-frog scheme,
with Christophe Besse and Pascal Noble,
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Mathematical Modelling and Numerical Analysis (2021),
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- The Neumann numerical boundary condition for transport equations, with Frédéric Lagoutière,
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Kinetic and Related Models (2020),
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- Transparent numerical boundary conditions for evolution equations: derivation and stability analysis,
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Annales de la Faculté des Sciences de Toulouse (2019),
link to final version (free online)
- Stability of finite difference schemes for hyperbolic initial boundary value problems: numerical boundary layers,
with Benjamin Boutin,
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Numerical Mathematics: Theory, Methods and Applications (2017),
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- The Leray- Gårding method for finite difference schemes,
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Journal de l'École Polytechnique - Mathématiques (2015),
link to final version (free online)
- Fully discrete hyperbolic initial boundary value problems with nonzero initial data,
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Confluentes Mathematici (2015),
link to final version (free online)
- Résolvante, stabilité et applications,
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Matapli (2014),
link to final version (free online, in French)
- On the strong stability of finite difference schemes for hyperbolic systems in two space dimensions,
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Calcolo (2014),
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- Stability of finite difference schemes for hyperbolic initial boundary value problems II,
link to pdf,
Annali della Scuola Normale Superiore di Pisa (2011),
link to final version (free online)
- Semigroup stability of finite difference schemes for multidimensional hyperbolic initial boundary value problems,
with Antoine Gloria,
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Mathematics of Computation (2011),
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- Stability of finite difference schemes for hyperbolic initial boundary value problems,
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SIAM Journal on Numerical Analysis (2009),
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- Computation of shock profiles in radiative hydrodynamics, with Pauline Lafitte,
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Communications in Computational Physics (2009),
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- The strong relaxation limit of the multidimensional Euler equations, with Chunjin Lin,
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Nonlinear Differential Equations and Applications (2013),
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- Analysis of large amplitude shock profiles for non-equilibrium radiative hydrodynamics: formation of Zeldovich spikes,
with Thierry Goudon, Pauline Lafitte and Chunjin Lin,
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Shock Waves (2012),
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- Relaxation approximation of the Euler equations, with Christophe Chalons,
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Journal of Mathematical Analysis and Applications (2008),
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- Asymptotic stability of shock profiles in radiative hydrodynamics, with Chunjin Lin and Thierry Goudon,
Comptes Rendus de l'Académie des Sciences - Série Mathématiques (2007),
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- The strong relaxation limit of the multidimensional isothermal Euler equations, with Thierry Goudon,
Transactions of the American Mathematical Society (2007),
link to final version (free online)
- Entropy-based moment closure for kinetic equations : Riemann problem and invariant regions,
with Thierry Goudon, Journal of Hyperbolic Differential Equations (2006),
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- Shock profiles for nonequilibrium radiating gases, with Chunjin Lin and Thierry Goudon,
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Physica D (2006),
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- Diffusion approximation and entropy based moment closure for kinetic equations,
with François Golse and Thierry Goudon, Asymptotic Analysis (2005),
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- Amplitude equations for weakly nonlinear surface waves in variational problems, with Sylvie Benzoni-Gavage,
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Shocks, singularities and oscillations in nonlinear optics and fluid mechanics, Rome - Italy (2017),
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- Ondes de surface faiblement non-linéaires, with Sylvie Benzoni-Gavage and Nikolay Tzvetkov,
Séminaire Laurent Schwartz (2011-2012),
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(free online, in French)
- Stability of finite difference schemes for hyperbolic initial boundary value problems,
Hyp 2010, Beijing - China (2010)
- Multi-d shock waves and surface waves, with Sylvie Benzoni-Gavage,
Hyp 2008, College Park - USA (2008)
- Shock profiles in radiative hydrodynamics, with Thierry Goudon,
Session États de la recherche, Nice - France (2007),
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- Nonlinear stability of compressible vortex sheets, with Paolo Secchi,
Hyp 2006, Lyon - France (2006)
- Problèmes mixtes hyperboliques bien-posés,
Analyse des équations aux dérivées partielles, Forges les eaux - France (2004),
link to final version (free online, in French)
- Stability of compressible vortex sheets, with Paolo Secchi, Equadiff 2003, Hasselt - Belgium (2003)
- Weak stability of multidimensional shock waves, Hyp 2002, Pasadena - USA (2002)