: | Leading the group Optimisation de Forme et Contrôle Optimal (Shape Optimization and Control) at Institute de Mathemqtique de Toulouse (IMT). This theme included fifteen permanent and non-permanent members. |
: | Director of the GDR 1152 (Research Group 1152): Shape Optimization of CNRS |
: | Project Manager at CERFACS Shape Optimization, |
: | Lead role in design, structuring and facilitation of FICUS, the Franco-Indian cyber University and satellite courses. |
: | Director of project FREMIT ({tip: In French:: PPF:Plan Pluri Formations}Plan for multi training {/tip} Research Institutes in Mathématiqes and Computer Toulouse), which aims to stimulate interactions between IMT and IRIT (Institut d'Informatique de Toulouse) |
: | Participation in the development of LABEX CIMI (International Centre of Mathematics and Informatics of Toulouse). FREMIT the project is at the origin of CIMI LABEX |
: | Representative of Insitiute de Mathematique de Toulouse (IMT) for the development of Institute for Technological Research (IRT) Aeronautics, Space and Embedded Systems (ASES) project. This project was selected in July 2011. |
: | Council member of committe for AMIES (LABEX for Industrial Mathematics) Council. |
: | President of the review committe for the promotion of lecturers. |
Evaluation of projects for ACINIM, ANR Blanc, Cosinus, Tecsan (Technologie de Santé), Syscomm
Member of of evaluation committee of AERES of INRIA Sophia Antipolis 2011.
Member of of evaluation and guidance committee of DEMR (Department de Electro-Magnétisme et Radar) of ONERA, 2009.
Member of of evaluation committe of INRIA, 2005.
Member of of evaluation committe of theme 1A of INRIA, 2004
Council member of DOOM (Démarche outillée d’optimisation multidisciplinaire) of ONERA, 2004-2007
Principle evaluator for more than 12 international projects
- Recruitment committee member for CR2 of INRIA-Sophia-Antipolis, 2005.
- Member of the "Collège Scientifique de Mathématiques, Université Paul Sabatier" 2007-2012
- Member of evaluation committee GAP for professeurs, 2007
- President of evaluation committee GAP for assistant professors,2012
- Member of commission of specialist in Insa de Toulouse, 1995-2007.
- Member of commission of specialist, 26th section of the Université Paul Sabatier till 2005.
Franco-Tunisian symposium in Applied Mathematics, May 20-22, 1996, Toulouse, (co-organized with C. Broudiscou and G. Letac)
Mini-symposium Shape Optimization, ICIAM'95, Hamburg.
Mini symposium Multidisciplinary Shape Optimization, ECCOMAS'98, Athens.
Mini-symposium Optimization Form and topological optimization, CANUM'98.
Symposium on Study of free boundary problem and thier applications, December 1-2, 1995 Lausanne, meeting under Inter GDR (coauthored with C. Bernardi and J. Rappaz).
Training workshop on homogenization methods and their application in shape optimization, Saint Etienne on 30 and 31 March 1995 (coauthored with G. Allaire and C. Carasso).
Intensive summer school in shape optimization, Warsaw, from 3 to 14 July 1995, GDR shape optimization, Tempus JEP (coauthored with B. Rousselet and J. Sokolowski).
Symposium on aerodynamic shape optimization of research group on shape optimization, INRIA Rocquencourt, March 96, (coauthored with A. Dervieux and P. Le Tallec).
Computational Day at Besançon (JNB'96), shape optimization and free boundary value problems, Lamoura (Jura) from September 24 to 26, (coauthored with A. Henrot).
Symposium on Shape Optimization, Nice, 22 to 23 May 1997
School CEMRACS'97 in topological optimization and automatic differentiation, from 7 to 18 July at the Asci and July 19 to August 31 to Luminy (coauthored with Y. Maday).
CANUM 98: Shape Optimization, mini-symposium on Multidisciplinary Design, Eccomas 98, Athens.
Automatic Differentiation and Sensitivity Analysis, ECMI 2000 in Palermo (coauthored with A.Griewank)
European Symposium on Numerical Methods in Electromagnetics (JEE'02), Toulouse, March 6 to 8, 2002, 150 people, 10 countries are represented. (co-organization coauthored with ONERA).
Organization of Cyber Workshop between Toulouse, France and Bangalore, India, 3-7 February 2003, for the launch of Indo-French Cyber University.
Co-organized International Conference on Applied Mathematics for Industry and Physics CIMAIP 2004. 21-23 April 2004 Faculty of Sciences, El Jadida, Morocco (about fifty people).
Co-organization of Shape Optimization In Life And Environment Sciences, Toulouse, 25-26 March 2004 (one hundred persons), URL: http://www.gmm.insa-tlse.fr pommier/gdr2004 ~ /
Mini-symposium on Advances In Shape Optimization For Fluids, Eccomas 2004, Co-organization with O. Pironneau, URL: http://www.mit.jyu.fi/eccomas2004
Three "Scientific and Technical Sessions" and Twelve conferences within Eccomas CFD 2006, Co-organized with J. Periaux, URL: http://www.eccomascfd2006.nl/?menu=program
Co-organization of the first edition of RIMA'06 Meeting (MIP / LAMSIN on Mathematical Image Processing ) to Tunis, URL: http :/ / mail.math.ups-tlse.fr / auroux/RIMA06 ~ /
Co-organization of the French Indian Workshop Workshop on Numerical Simulation and Design for Aeronautical and Space Applications, INRIA, Sophia Antipolis, France, 29 November-1 December 2006.
Co-organization of RIMA'07 in Toulouse, URL: http://www.mip.ups-tlse.fr/RIMA07/
Colloquium Math-info, October 16, 2006 coauthored with Josiane Mothe and Jérôme Fehrenbach.
RIMA'07 (2nd Meeting IMT-LAMSIN on Mathematical Image Processing), Toulouse, 11-12 June 2007, 60 participants, URL: http://www.math.univ-toulouse.fr/_auroux/RIMA07/
Colloquium Math-info Day, October 16, 2007 in Toulouse, co-organized with Josiane Mothe and Jérôme Fehrenbach, 40 participants, URL: http://www.irit.fr/FREMIT/2007.html
Colloquium Math-info Day, December 8-9, 2008 in Toulouse, co-organized with Josiane Mothe and Jérôme Fehrenbach, 40 participants, URL: http://www.irit.fr/FREMIT/2008.html
RIMA'09 (3rd meeting IMT-LAMSIN on Mathematical Image Processing), Toulouse, 1-2 June 2009, hosting 70 participants.
Co-organization of the seminar in memory of Naoufel Ben Abdallah, 14-18 March 2011 in Toulouse.
- Participation in the Working Group 13 (WG13) of the European Committee for Standardization of in situ measurement of insulating materials, 2011-till date
- Member of the WorkShop 36 (WS36) of European Committee for Standardization of in situ measurement of insulating materials, 2009-2010, I was in charge of modeling aspect.