2024 - September, 9:T0 + 2 year meeting in Paris (Paris VI, LIP6) for the consortium.
2023 - October, 2:Hugo Fidelin started his PhD at ICA (collaboration with LIP6 and IMT) on “Development of HPC strategies for Digital Image Correlation in case of lattice structures”.
2023 - September, 28:T0 + 1 year meeting in Toulouse (applied math dept., INSA-Toulouse) for the whole consortium including the industrial follow up committee.
2023 - September:Clément Guillet started his postdoc at LIP6 (collaboration with EPFL, ICB and IMT) on “High-Performance Computing for the analysis of lattice structures”.
2023 - April to July:Lucas Person did his master internship at ICA (collaboration with IMT and LIP6) on “Implementation of HPC strategies for Digital Volume Correlation”.
2023 - March, 27:Kick-off meeting for the whole consortium.
2022 - November:Dorian Bichet started his PhD at IMT & ICA on
“Construction of a spline-aided, image-based twin for the analysis of lattice structures”.
Some photos:
Attendees at the T0 + 2 year meeting (LIP6, Jussieu, Paris, September 2024)
Attendees at the T0 + 1 year meeting (applied math dept., INSA-Toulouse, September 2023)