Research and Publications


I'm generally interested in algebraic approaches to geometrical and algebraic topology problems, particularly in homotopy theory using tools such as operads and graph complexes.
A random sample of keywords related to my research are homotopical algebra, moduli spaces, deformation theory, Koszul duality, rational homotopy theory, curved Lie algebras, deformation quantization...


  1. A Deligne conjecture for prestacks with Lander Hermans (2024) arXiv:2406.16652 [15 pages] ArXiv link.
  2. Operadic Deformation Theory with Albin Grataloup (2023) arXiv:2307.11187 [98 pages] ArXiv link.
  3. Commutative homotopical algebra embeds into non-commutative homotopical algebra with Dan Petersen, Daniel Robert-Nicoud, and Felix Wierstra (2022) arXiv:2211.02387 [14 pages] ArXiv link.
  4. Lie algebroids are curved Lie algebras with Damien Calaque and Joost Nuiten (2021)
    arXiv:2103.10728 [62 pages] ArXiv link.
  5. Differential forms on smooth operadic algebras with Pedro Tamaroff (2020)
    arXiv:2010.08815 [36 pages] ArXiv link.
  6. Configuration Spaces of Surfaces with Najib Idrissi and Thomas Willwacher (2019)
    arXiv:1911.12281 [50 pages] ArXiv link.
  7. A model for framed configuration spaces of points with Julien Ducoulombier, Najib Idrissi, and Thomas Willwacher (2018)
    arXiv:1807.08319 [27 pages] ArXiv link.

  8. PD Operads and Explicit Partition Lie Algebras with Lukas Brantner and Joost Nuiten (2024?).
    To appear in Memoirs of the AMS arXiv:2103.03870 [105 pages] ArXiv link.
  9. Lie, associative and commutative quasi-isomorphism with Dan Petersen, Daniel Robert-Nicoud, and Felix Wierstra (2024?)
    To appear in Acta Mathematica [36 pages] ArXiv link.
  10. Configuration Spaces of Manifolds with Boundary with Najib Idrissi, Pascal Lambrechts, and Thomas Willwacher (2024)
    Published in Astérisque (2024) [107 pages]. ArXiv link.
  11. A model for configuration spaces of points with Thomas Willwacher (2023)
    Published in Algebraic and Geometric Topology [77 pages]. ArXiv link.
  12. Moduli problems for operadic algebras with Damien Calaque and Joost Nuiten (2022)
    Journal of the London Mathematical Society [95 pages] ArXiv link.
  13. Boardman-Vogt resolutions and bar/cobar constructions of (co)operadic (co)bimodules with Julien Ducoulombier and Najib Idrissi (2021) Higher Structures 5(1): 293-366, 2021. [74 pages] ArXiv link.
  14. Configuration spaces of points - A short survey (2020)
    CIM Bulletin 42: 41–47, 2021. [7 pages].
  15. Homotopy equivalence of shifted cotangent bundles (2018)
    Journal of Lie Theory 29 (2019), No. 3, 629–646. [18 pages] ArXiv link.
  16. Gravity Formality with Benjamin C. Ward (2017)
    Advances in Mathematics 331 (2018), 439–483. [33 pages] ArXiv link.
  17. BV Formality (2015)
    Advances in Mathematics 306 (2017), 807–851. [45 pages]. ArXiv link.
  18. Operadic Torsors with Thomas Willwacher (2014)
    Journal of Algebra 458 (2016), 71–86. [16 pages]. ArXiv link.
  19. The Frobenius properad is Koszul with Sergei Merkulov and Thomas Willwacher (2014)
    Duke Math. J. 165, (2016) no. 15, 2921–2989. [69 pages]. ArXiv link.

My papers can be found on the arXiv, even though the published versions of the older papers might be a bit improved. You get those by clicking the titles.

Feedback is always extremely welcome!