Modifier cette page Renommer la page Exporter en PDF Table des matières Production scientifique Livres Articles Thèse Habilitation à diriger des recherches Quelques exposés Production scientifique Livres F. Boyer, P. Fabrie : Eléments d'analyse pour l'étude de quelques modèles d'écoulements de fluides visqueux incompressibles, Mathématiques et Applications Vol. 52, 405 p., Springer (2006) Published on-line F. Boyer, P. Fabrie : Mathematical tools for the study of the incompressible Navier-Stokes equations and related models, Applied Mathematical Sciences, vol. 183, Springer (2013) Published on-line Erratum and complements Articles F. Boyer : Mathematical study of multiphase flow under shear through order parameter formulation, Asymptotic Analysis Vol. 20 no 2, pp 175-212 (1999) Published on-line F. Boyer : Nonhomogeneous Cahn-Hilliard fluids, Annales de l'IHP : Analyse non linéaire, Vol. 18 no 2, pp 225-259 (2001) Published on-line F. Boyer : A theoretical and numerical model for the study of incompressible mixture flows, Computers and Fluids Vol. 31 no 1, pp 41-68 (2002) Published on-line F. Boyer, P. Fabrie : Persistency of 2D perturbations of 1D solutions for a Cahn-Hilliard flow model under high shear, Asymptotic Analysis Vol. 33 no 2, pp 107-151 (2003) Published on-line F. Boyer, L. Chupin, P. Fabrie : Numerical study of viscoelastic mixtures through a Cahn-Hilliard flow model, European Journal of Mechanics - B Fluids Vol. 23 no 5, pp 759-780 (2004) Published on-line B. Andreianov, F. Boyer, F. Hubert : Finite-volume schemes for the p-laplacian on cartesian meshes, M2AN, Vol. 38, N°6, pp. 931-959 (2004) Published on-line B. Andreianov, F. Boyer, F. Hubert : Besov regularity and new error estimates for finite volume approximations of the p-laplacian, Numerische Mathematik, Vol. 100, N°4, pp. 565 - 592 (2005) Published on-line F. Boyer : Trace theorems and spatial continuity properties for the solutions of the transport equation, Differential and Integral Equations Vol. 18, N°8, pp. 891-934 (2005) B. Andreianov, F. Boyer, F. Hubert : On the finite volume approximation of regular solutions of the p-laplacian, IMA Journal of Numerical Analysis Vol. 26, N°3, pp. 472-502 (2006) Published on-line F. Boyer, C. Lapuerta : Study of a three component Cahn-Hilliard flow model, M2AN Vol. 40 no 4, pp. 653--687,(2006) Published on-line B. Andreianov, F. Boyer, F. Hubert : Discrete duality finite volume schemes for Leray-Lions type elliptic problems on general 2D meshes, Numerical Methods for PDEs Vol. 23, N°1, pp 145--195, (2007) Published on-line B. Andreianov, F. Boyer, F. Hubert : Discrete Besov framework for finite volume approximation of the p-laplacian on non-uniform cartesian grids, ESAIM Proceedings, Vol. 18, pp. 1--10, (2007) Published on-line F. Boyer, P. Fabrie : Outflow boundary conditions for the incompressible non-homogeneous Navier-Stokes equations, Discrete and Continuous Dynamical Systems - B, Vol. 7, N°2, pp. 219--250, (2007) Published on-line F. Boyer, F. Hubert : Finite volume method for 2D linear and nonlinear elliptic problems with discontinuities, SIAM Journal on Numerical Analysis, Vol. 46, N° 6, pp. 3032--3070, (2008) Published on-line P. Angot, F. Boyer, F. Hubert : Asymptotic and numerical modelling of flows in fractured porous media, M2AN Vol. 43 no 2, pp. 239-275, (2009) Published on-line F. Boyer, C. Lapuerta, S. Minjeaud, B. Piar : A local adaptive refinement method with multigrid preconditionning illustrated by multiphase flows simulations, ESAIM Proceedings, Vol. 27, pp. 15--53 (2009) Published on-line F. Boyer, F. Hubert, S. Krell : Non-overlapping Schwarz algorithm for solving 2D m-DDFV schemes, IMA Journal on Numerical Analysis, Vol. 30, no 4, pp. 1062-1100, (2010) Published on-line F. Boyer, C. Lapuerta, S. Minjeaud, B. Piar, M. Quintard : Cahn-Hilliard / Navier-Stokes model for the simulation of three-phase flows, Transport in Porous Media, Volume 82, Issue 3, pp. 463--483 (2010) Published on-line F. Boyer, F. Hubert, J. Le Rousseau : Discrete Carleman estimates for elliptic operators and uniform controllability of semi-discretized parabolic equations, Journal de Mathématiques Pures et Appliquées, Vol. 93, no 3, pp. 240-273 (2010) Published on-line F. Boyer, F. Hubert, J. Le Rousseau : Discrete Carleman estimates for elliptic operators in arbitrary dimension and applications, SIAM Journal on Control and Optimization, Vol. 48, No 8, pp.5357-5397 (2010) Published on-line F. Boyer, S. Minjeaud : Numerical schemes for a three component Cahn-Hilliard model, M2AN Vol. 45, no 4, pp. 697-738 (2011) Published on-line F. Boyer, F. Hubert, J. Le Rousseau : Uniform null-controllability properties for space/time-discretized parabolic equations, Numerische Mathematik, Vol. 118, no 4, pp. 601-661 (2011) Published on-line F. Boyer : Analysis of the upwind finite volume method for general initial and boundary value transport problems, IMA Journal on Numerical Analysis, Vol. 32 no 4, pp. 1404-1439 (2012) Published on-line F. Boyer, J. Le Rousseau : Carleman estimates for semi-discrete parabolic operators and application to the controllability of semi-linear semi-discrete parabolic equations, Annales de l'IHP - Analyse non linéaire, Vol. 31, Issue 5, pp. 1035–1078, (2014) Preprint HALPublished on-line F. Boyer, F. Dardalhon, C. Lapuerta, J.C. Latché : Stability of a Crank-Nicolson pressure correction scheme based on staggered discretizations, International Journal for Numerical Methods in Fluids, Vol. 74, Issue 1, pp. 34–58, (2014) Preprint HALPublished on-line F. Boyer, S. Krell, F. Nabet : Inf-Sup stability of the Discrete Duality Finite Volume method for the Stokes problem, Math. Comp., Vol. 84, pp. 2705-2742, (2015) Preprint HALPublished on-line F. Boyer : On the penalised HUM approach and its applications to the numerical approximation of null-controls for parabolic problems, ESAIM Proceedings, Vol. 41, pp. 15-58, (2013) Preprint HALPublished on-line F. Boyer, S. Minjeaud : Hierarchy of consistent n-component Cahn-Hilliard systems, M3AS Vol. 24, No 14, pp. 2885-2928 (2014) Preprint HALPublished on-line F. Boyer, G. Olive : Approximate controllability conditions for some linear 1D parabolic systems with space-dependent coefficients, Mathematical Control and Related Fields, Vol. 4, No. 3, pp. 263-287 (2014) Preprint HALPublished on-line A. Benabdallah, F. Boyer, M. González-Burgos, G. Olive : Sharp estimates of the one-dimensional boundary control cost for parabolic systems and application to the $N$-dimensional boundary null-controllability in cylindrical domains, SIAM Journal on Control and Optimization, Vol. 52, No. 5, pp. 2970-3001 (2014) Preprint HALPublished on-line P. Bousquet, F. Boyer, F. Nabet : On a functional inequality arising in the analysis of finite-volume methods, Calcolo, Vol. 53, No. 3, pp. 363-397 (2016) Preprint HALPublished on-line F. Boyer, F. Nabet : A DDFV method for a Cahn-Hilliard-Stokes phase field model with dynamic boundary conditions, M2AN, Vol. 51, No. 5, pp. 1691--1731 (2017) Preprint HALPublished on-line T. Blanc, M. Bostan, F. Boyer : Asymptotic analysis of parabolic equations with stiff transport terms by a multi-scale approach, Discrete and Continuous Dynamical System - Serie A, Vol. 37, No. 9, pp. 4637-4676 (2017) Preprint HALPublished on-line N. Aguillon, F. Boyer : Error estimate for the upwind scheme for the linear transport equation with boundary data, IMA Journal on Numerical Analysis, Vol. 38, Issue 2, pp. 669–719 (2018) Preprint HALPublished on-line D. Allonsius, F. Boyer, M. Morancey : Spectral analysis of discrete elliptic operators and applications in control theory, Numerische Mathematik, Vol. 140, No 4, pp. 857–911 (2018) Preprint HALPublished on-line F. Boyer, V. Hernandez-Santamaria, L. de Teresa : Insensitizing controls for a semilinear parabolic equation : a numerical approach, Mathematical Control and Related Fields, Vol. 9, No 1, pp. 117-158. (2019) Preprint HALPublished on-line D. Allonsius, F. Boyer : Boundary null-controllability of semi-discrete coupled parabolic systems in some multi-dimensional geometries, Mathematical Control and Related Fields, Vol. 10, No 2, pp.217-256. (2020) Preprint HALPublished on-line A. Benabdallah, F. Boyer, M. Morancey : A block moment method to handle spectral condensation phenomenon in parabolic control problems, Annales Henri Lebesgue, Vol. 3, pp. 717-793 (2020) Preprint HALPublished on-line F. Boyer, V. Hernandez-Santamaria : Carleman estimates for time-discrete parabolic equations and applications to controllability, ESAIM Control and Calcul of Variations, Vol. 26, (2020) Preprint HALPublished on-line K. Bhandari, F. Boyer : Boundary null-controllability of coupled parabolic system with Robin conditions, Evolution Equations and Control Theory, Vol. 10, No 1, pp. 61-102, (2021) Preprint HALPublished on-line D. Allonsius, F. Boyer, M. Morancey : Analysis of the null-controllability of degenerate parabolic systems of Grushin type via the moments method, à paraître dans Journal of Evolution Equations, (2020) Preprint HAL K. Bhandari, F. Boyer, V. Hernandez-Santamaria : Boundary null-controllability of 1-D coupled parabolic systems with Kirchhoff-type condition, Mathematics of Control, Signals, and Systems, Vol. 33, No 3, pp. 413-471, (2021) Preprint HALPublished on-line F. Boyer, G. Olive : Boundary null-controllability of some multi-dimensional linear parabolic systems by the moment method, à paraitre dans les Annales de l'Institut Fourier Preprint HAL K. Bhandari, F. Boyer : Local null-controllability of a parabolic system with coupled nonlinear boundary conditions, à paraître dans Mathematical Control and Related Fields Preprint HALPublished on-line F. Boyer, M. Morancey : Analysis of non scalar control problems for parabolic systems by the block moment method, Comptes Rendus Mathématiques, Volume 361, pp. 1191-1248, (2023) Preprint HALPublished on-line Thèse F. Boyer : Ecoulements diphasiques de type Cahn-Hilliard, Thèse de l'université Bordeaux 1, Mars 2001 Habilitation à diriger des recherches F. Boyer : Modélisation, Analyse et Approximation numérique en mécanique des fluides, Habilitation de l'université de Provence, Octobre 2006 Quelques exposés A propos de l'équation de transport : problèmes de traces, régularité des solutions, Séminaire du LMC, Grenoble, Février 2005 Autour des solutions renormalisées de l'équation de transport, Séminaire du laboratoire MAPMO, Orléans, Décembre 2006 De la modélisation à la simulation numérique. Illustrations sur un exemple simple mais instructif, Rencontres entre profs du secondaire et le CMI, Janvier 2007 Simulation numérique directe d'écoulements triphasiques à l'aide de modèles à interfaces diffuses, 20ième séminaire de mécanique des fluides CEA-GAMNI, IHP Paris, Janvier 2008 L'enregistrement vidéo de cet exposé est disponible ici Volumes finis pour la résolution de problèmes elliptiques hétérogènes anisotropes sur maillages généraux, Ecole d'été du GDR CHANT, Roscoff, Août 2008 Sur l'approximation numérique d'un contrôle à zéro de l'équation de la chaleur, Journée thématique du MAPMO, Orléans, Juin 2009 Mini-cours de 6h : Volumes finis pour la résolution de problèmes elliptiques hétérogènes anisotropes sur maillages généraux, Ecole d'été du GDR MOAD, Fréjus, Septembre 2009 Partie 1 : Introduction. Le schéma VF4 Partie 2 : Revue des schémas récents. Benchmark Partie 3 : Les méthodes DDFV sur les problèmes scalaires et sur Stokes Mini-cours de 6h : Méthodes de volumes finis pour les écoulements en milieux poreux, Ecole d'été Milieux poreux du LEM2I, Tipaza, Algérie ,Juin 2010 Full discretization of distributed control problems for parabolic equations, Conférence Control of parabolic equations and systems, applications to fluids, IHP, Paris, Novembre 2010. A propos du contrôle et de l'optimisation de trajectoires, Exposé devant les élèves de Classes Préparatoires du Lycée Militaire d'Aix-en-Provence, Décembre 2010 Numerical methods for the simulation of a diffuse interface model for three-phase flows, Workshop Phase field models in fluid mechanics, Ratisbonne, Allemagne, Février 2011 Solutions renormalisées du transport et schéma upwind, Séminaire MIP Toulouse, Janvier 2012 On the numerical approximation of control problems for parabolic equations and systems, CANUM 2012, Superbesse About The HUM method and its application in particular to the numerical approximation of controls of PDEs, Séminaire MIP Toulouse, Février 2015 About The HUM method and its application to the numerical approximation of controls of PDEs, Mini-cours dans la conférence 'Contrôle et problèmes inverses pour les EDPs', Besançon, Mars 2015 Controllability of parabolic PDEs : methods - results - open problems, Séminaire DEFI - MEDISIM - POEMS, CMAP, Ecole polytechnique, Mars 2017 S'identifier