Senior CNRS researcher at IRIT (Institut de Recherche en Informatique de Toulouse, UMR 5505).
Team leader at the CBI (Centre de Biologie Intégrative, laboratory MCD, UMR 5077).
Associate member of IMT (Institut de Mathématiques de Toulouse, UMR 5219).
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I had the great chance of working with a few talented young researchers. Their names are added below for posterity.
- Florian Sarron (2024, within the Micro-Blind project): Optimizing optical microscopes.
- Axel Flinth (2018, within the OMS project): optimization of measures.
Now, assistant professor at Umea University, Sweden
- Wenxing Zhang (2014, with J. Fehrenbach) : Finding structures in biological images.
Now, associate professor at Chengdu University, China.
PhD students
- Oihan Joyot (2024-2027, with F. Erdel) - Understanding dynamical systems in biology.
- Minh Hai Nguyen (2023-2026, with E. Pauwels) - Diffusion models.
- Nathanaël Munier (2022-2025, with E. Soubies) - Blind inverse problems.
- Clément Cazorla (2021-2024, CIFRE with R. Morin and Imactiv-3D) - Deep learning for image analysis. Post-doc with J. Batut, D. Sanchez, C. Rouvière.
- Corbinian Schlosser (2021-2023, with M. Korda) - Optimal control with particle methods. Post-doc with F. Bach.
- Alban Gossard (2019-2022, with F. de Gournay) - Learning Sampling Schemes. Engineer at Go-Pro.
- Valentin Debarnot (2017-2020, with T. Mangeat) - Operator learning - Computational microscopy. Prix Maths-info 2022 académie des sciences et lettres de Toulouse. Post-doc with Ivan Dokmanic.
- Paul Escande (2013-2016, with J. Bigot) - Approximation and estimation of spatially varying blur operators.
Prix Maths-info 2022 académie des sciences et lettres de Toulouse. 2017. Now, CNRS researcher.
- Nicolas Chauffert (2012-2015, with P. Ciuciu) - New sampling approaches with smooth trajectories in MRI.
Now, professeur CPGE en région parisienne.
- Claire Boyer (2012-2015, with J. Bigot) - New sampling approaches with block constraints.
Prix Adrien Gaussail 2016, Prix de thèse EEA Signal, Image, Vision 2016. Now, MCF à l'université Paris 6.
Other PhD students I worked with
- Maximilian März, TU Berlin -- (G. Kutiniok)
- Carole Lazarus, CEA Saclay -- (P. Ciuciu, A. Vigneau)
- Léo Lebrat, IMT Toulouse -- (J. Kahn, F. de Gournay)
- Axel Flinth, TU Berlin -- (G. Kutinyok)
- Ludivine Guillaume, ITAV Toulouse -- (V. Lobjois)
- Annaick Desmaison, ITAV Toulouse -- (B. Ducommun)
- Laurène Aoun, ITAV Toulouse -- (B. Ducommun)
Master 2 students
- Oihan Joyot, (Mar-July 2024, with F. Erdel and F. de Gournay): Parameter estimation from half-FRAP experiments
- Minh Hai Nguyen, (Jan-Aug 2023, with F. de Vieilleville and AGENIUM): Correcting micro-vibrations in satellites.
- Faisal Jayousi (February-August 2022, with F. de Vieilleville and AGENIUM) : Correcting microvibrations in satellites.
- Nathanaël Munier (February-August 2022, with E. Soubies) : Localizing sources.
- Bong Tze Yaw (March-Aug 2021, with E. Soubies) : Limits and performance in localization microscopy.
- Camille Castera (March-Aug 2018, with F. de Gournay) : Semi-infinite programming.
- Thomas Bonnafont (March-Aug 2017, with J. Kahn) : Learning spatially varying operators.
- Anh-Tuan Nguyen (March-Aug 2016, with J. Fehrenbach) : Blind deblurring.
- Paul Escande (Feb-Aug 2013, with F. Malgouyres) : Numerical approximation of spatially varying blur operators.
- Nicolas Chauffert (Feb-sept 2012, with P. Ciuciu) : Physically plausible compressed sensing in MRI.
Master 1 students
- Arman Hosseini (Jun-Sept 2025, with C. Jost): inferring the laws of dynamical systems
- Quoc-Bao Do (Jun-Sept 2025)
- Thang Vo, (Jun-Sept 2023, with E. Soubies): Eigen-PSF extractor.
- Minh Hai Nguyen (Jul-Sep 2022): Product-Convolution Neural Networks.
- Dario Moed with RESTORE (Jul-Sep 2021): Automatic segmentation of large scale multispectral biological images.
- Landry Duguet with INNOPSYS (Jul-Sep 2020): dynamic programming for huge-scale image registration.
- Nicolas Duble AGENIUM-SPACE (Jul-Sep 2020): The SPOT-GEO challenge . We won the first prize.
- Valentin Debarnot (Jul-Sep 2016, with J. Kahn) - Measuring absorption coefficients from multi-SPIM images.
- Quentin Gey (Jul-Sep 2014, with J. Fehrenbach) - Linking nuclei anisotropy and mechanical stresses.
- Omar Dounia (Jun-Aug 2013, with J. Fehrenbach) - Structure tensors, denoising and improvement of a Fiji Plugin.
- Charlotte Emery (Jun-Aug 2012, with J. Fehrenbach & J. Bigot) - Rigid registration of 3D images.
- Paul Escande (Jun-Aug 2012) - Approximation and estimation of spatially varying blur operators.
- Emmanuel Soubies (Jun-Aug 2012) - 3D image segmentation with marked point processes.
- Matthieu Bouyrie (Jun-Aug 2011) - Deblurring in the presence of a spatially varying PSF.
- Claire Boyer (Jun-Aug 2011, with P. Ciuciu) - Reconstruction of 3D MRI images.
Other students
- Yann Delaporte (6 weeks in 2021) : Suprema of Gaussian processes and localization microscopy
- Landry Duguet (5 weeks in 2019) : blind inverse problems, Pierre-Jean Benard (6 weeks in 2019) : deep learning for detecting ellipses.
- Sandrine Bouguen (4 weeks in 2018): cell tracking, Gabriel Bathie (4 weeks in 2018): dynamic programming.
- Jean Eymerie (14 weeks in 2017): development of Fiji/Icy plugins. Morgan Gauthier (6 weeks).
- Bastien Kovac, Alexandre Le Guelvouit, Vincent Remenant (10 weeks in 2016): development of Fiji/Icy plugins.
- Maxime Taisant & Ali Rouwanne (4 weeks in 2016): segmentation & projection of measures with Wasserstein metric.
- Guillaume De Brito, Benjamin Font, Guillaume Rauffet (14 weeks in 2015): development of Fiji/Icy plugins.
- Léo Mouly (3 months in 2013 and 3 months in 2014) : development of the Fiji plugin VSNR.