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Congress in memory of Adrien Douady

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Monday may 26th
9:00 - 9:30
9:30 - 10:45
10:45 - 11:00
Coffee break
11:00 - 12:00
Mikhail Lyubich       Dynamics of unicritical polynomials
12:00 - 14:00
Welcoming buffet at IHP
14:00 - 15:00
15:00 - 15:30
Coffee break
15:30 - 16:30
16:30 - 16:45
16:45 - 17:45
Peter Haissinsky       Random walks on hyperbolic groups
18:00 - 18:30
François Tisseyre/EcoutezVoir

9:30 - 10:30
Adam L. Epstein       La thèse de Douady
10:30 - 11:00
Coffee break
11:00 - 12:00
14:00 - 15:00
15:00 - 15:30
Coffee break
15:30 - 16:30
16:30 - 17:00
17:00 - 20:00
Memories of Adrien

9:30 - 10:30
10:30 - 11:00
Coffee break
11:00 - 12:00
14:00 - 15:00
15:00 - 15:30
Coffee break
15:30 - 16:30
Mary Rees       Aeroplane Captures  [PDF]
16:30 - 16:45
16:45 - 17:45
18:00 - 19:30

9:30 - 10:30
Mikhail Gromov       Entropy and Linearized Isoperimetry
10:30 - 11:00
Coffee break
11:00 - 12:00
14:00 - 15:00
15:00 - 15:30
Coffee break
15:30 - 16:30
Curtis T. McMullen       1/7, 2/7, 4/7  [PDF]
16:30 - 17:00
Buffet + concert at the École Normale Supérieure

9:30 - 10:30
10:30 - 11:00
Coffee break
11:00 - 12:00
Michel Zinsmeister       Branner-Hubbard Motion without Dynamics  [PDF]
14:00 - 15:00
15:00 - 15:30
Coffee break
15:30 - 16:30
Carsten L. Petersen       Impressions of the Mandelbrot set  [PDF]  [File]  [File]  [File]  [File]
16:30 - 16:45
16:45 - 17:45
Arnaud Chéritat       The quest for positive measure Julia sets  [PDF]


Vladimir Arnold   Random and algebraic permutations' statistics

The period T(A) of a permutation A of N points might attain large values even when N is not so large: there exist permutations A∈S(100) of N=100 points whose periods are greater than 230 000 000. A matrix A in SL(2,ℤ) defines a permutation  in S(n2) of the N=n2 points of the finite torus ℤn2, and a permutation Ã∈S(nK(n)) of the N=nK(n) points of the finite projective line ℙ1(ℤn), where K(n)=∏(1+1/p), (p being the prime divisors of n).
The periods of these algebraic permutations Â, Ã are much smaller than for the generic permutations of the same points.
The American physicist F. Dyson has discovered that for the "Arnold's cat mapping"
A =
the period of  in S(22500) is only T(Â)=300, studying experimentally the computerized version of the Arnold's cat mapping on a display of n=150 pixels, ℤn2.
The statistics of the Young diagrams of cycles of the algebraic permutations  and à is very different from that of the generic permutations of the same number N of points (whose study started from the 1944 paper by V.L. Goutchazov).
For instance the mean number of cycles of a random permutation grows with the number N of the permuted points like log N. The number of the length s cycles of all the N! permutations forming S(N), equals N!/s. It means that the belonging of a point to the cycles of any length 1≤s≤N have equal probabilities.
Among other results of these studies of the statistics of the random and of the algebraic permutations is the following strange Theorem.
The Cesaro mean values K̂ of the numbers K(n) tend, as n tends to ∞, to a finite limit K̂(∞)=lim 1/n ∑m=1n K(m) = 15/π2. This theorem, deduced from the empirical observation of the coincidence of 20 first digits, is now proved, using the formula K̂(∞)=ζ(2)/ζ(4)

Bodil Branner   Polynomial vector fields in one complex variable 

In recent years Adrien Douady was interested in polynomial vector fields, both in relation to iteration theory and as a topic on their own. This talk is based on his work with Pierrette Sentenac, work of Xavier Buff and Tan Lei, and my own joint work with Kealey Dias.

César Camacho   The moduli of C*-actions on Stein 2-dimensional analytic spaces

We will show the analytic classification of C*-actions, with at least one fixed point, defined on a Stein 2-dimensional variety. In the dicritical situation the moduli of these actions can be established in terms of the resolution of the singularity. In the nondicritical case a generic action is the pull-back, by means of a meromorphic mapping, of a simple model.

Arnaud Chéritat   The quest for positive measure Julia sets 

We will explain our joint work with Xavier Buff on Douady's programme that led to the proof of existence of positive measure Julia sets.

Jean-Pierre Demailly   Intrinsic metrics and solutions of Monge-Ampère equations

Following a number of suggestions made by Y.Kawamata and more recently by H.Tsuji, we will present a construction of intrinsic Kähler currents on non uniruled projective varieties and study some of their basic properties. The link with the solution of certain degenerate Monge-Ampère equations will also be discussed.

Adam L. Epstein   La thèse de Douady

Soit X un espace analytique complexe. Let but de cette thèse était de munir son auteur du grade de docteur es-sciences mathématiques, et l'ensemble H(X) des sous-espaces analytiques compacts de X d'une structure d'espace analytique. Nous discuterons du deuxième problème.

Nuria Fagella   Surgery and the limbs of the Mandelbrot set 

After the first occurrences of surgery at the beginning of the eighties, Douady and Branner in 1987 went one step further and used a surgery construction to relate polynomials of a different degree defining in this fashion a homeomorphism between (subsets of) connectedness loci of different families of polynomials. They had to deal with delicate issues like the continuity of surgery procedures with respect to parameters. In this talk we will sketch their construction and techniques and discuss how these have been used later to obtain other interesting results.

Charles Favre   Birational classification of rational dynamical systems of ℙ2

Studying dynamical systems induced by rational maps of ℙ2 naturally leads to the question of construction of invariants modulo birational conjugacy. The most basic one is given by the growth of degrees of the iterates of the map. One shall review the known results on the sequence of degrees focusing on the polynomial case. This is a joint work with S. Boucksom and M. Jonsson.

Peter Haissinsky   Random walks on hyperbolic groups

We establish a dimension formula for the harmonic measure of a finitely supported and symmetric random walk on a hyperbolic group. We also characterize random walks for which the dimension is maximal. Our approach is based on the Green metric, a metric which provides a geometric point of view on random walks. This is a joint work with S. Blachère and P. Mathieu.

John H. Hubbard   Les travaux d'Adrien Douady en géométrie analytique et en dynamique holomorphe.

L'accent sera mis sur l'influence de la personnalité d'Adrien sur les champs qu'il a explorés.

Genadi Levin   Multipliers of periodic orbits for holomorphic maps

In the beautiful theory of the Mandelbrot set by Douady and Hubbard, we single out two fragments: the uniformization of the hyperbolic components by the multiplier, and the existence of infinitely-renormalizable polynomials with non-locally connected Julia sets. In the talk, we propose a unified approach to these parts of the theory. It allows us to get further results.

Mikhail Lyubich   Dynamics of unicritical polynomials

Quadratic polynomials possess some special geometric virtues that make them tamer than their higher degree unicritical cousins. For instance, for about 15 years Yoccoz's Theorem on local connectivity of the Mandelbrot set at non-renormalizable points had resisted to the higher degree extensions. However, recently new analytical methods have been developed that allowed us to bring the higher degree unicritical dynamics to the same level of maturity as the quadratic dynamics (up to the Regular or Collet-Eckmann Dichotomy for almost all real parameters). We will give an overview of these results obtained jointly with Artur Avila, Jeremy Kahn and Weixiao Shen.

Curtis T. McMullen   1/7, 2/7, 4/7 

We will discuss echos of surface topology and Teichmueller theory in the dynamics of proper holomorphic maps on the unit disk.

John Milnor   Critically Periodic Cubic Polynomials

The parameter space Sp for cubic polynomial maps with a marked critical point of period p is a complicated algebraic curve whose genus increases rapidly with p. Fortunately there is a canonical procedure for choosing local coordinate charts, so that we can make local pictures of this parameter space. Each Sp consists of a compact connectedness locus together with finitely many escape region, each biholomorphic to a punctured disk. The parameter rays in the various escape regions provide a tool for studying the dynamics. This is a description of joint work with Araceli Bonifant.

Jacob Palis   Open questions leading to a global perspective in dynamics

We will address one of the most challenging and central problems in dynamical systems, meaning flows, diffeomorphisms or, more generally, transformations, defined on a closed manifold (compact, without boundary or an interval on the real line): can we describe the behavior in the long run of typical trajectories for typical systems? Poincaré was probably the first to point in this direction and stress its importance. We shall consider finite-dimensional parameterized families of dynamics and typical will be taken in terms of Lebesgue probability both in parameter and phase spaces. We will discuss a conjecture stating that for a typical dynamical system, almost all trajectories have only finitely many choices, of (transitive) attractors, where to accumulate upon in the future. Interrelated conjectures will also be discussed.

Carsten L. Petersen   Impressions of the Mandelbrot set 

The Mandelbrot set M is universal in holomorphic dynamical systems via Douady and Hubbards notion of polynomial-like mappings and quadratic-like families. Some of the simplest non-trivial examples of quadratic-like families are provided by perturbations within the space of quadratic rational maps of the quadratic family Pc(z) = z2+c. These are obtained by changing the multiplier 0 of the fixed point at ∞ for Pc to numbers λ∈ⅅ. Such a perturbation defines a holomorphic motion Mλ of the Mandelbrot set M, naturally parametrized by λ∈ⅅ. It turns out that S1=∂ⅅ is the natural boundary for this motion. For all boundary values |λ|=1 except λ=1 there are collisions taking place on a dense set of the boundary of Mλ. In the talk I will survey the known results on the structure of the radial limits or impressions of this motion of the Mandelbrot set and non continuity along S1. Also I will pose some questions and formulate some conjectures on the radial impressions.

Files:   Slides/f1.wmv,   Slides/f2.wmv,   Slides/f3.wmv,   Slides/f4.wmv,

Mary Rees   Aeroplane Captures 

In the family of quadratic rational maps, the capture construction of rational maps is an analogue of mating, which is often simpler to study. Given a critically periodic quadratic polynomial f, we denote by O(f) the full orbit of the finite critical point of f, and by On(f) the points in O(f) of preperiod n. The construction associates between 0 and 2 critically finite quadratic rational maps to each x ∈ O(f), all with one critical point of the same period as that of f, and with the other critical point in the same orbit, of preperiod n if x ∈ On(f). We call x admissible if at least one such rational map exists, and denote this rational map by gx if there is just one (which is usually the case) rather than 2.
If f is either of the two critically finite rabbit polynomials, then the map x → gx is bijective onto an easily-recognised set of critically finite rational maps in the parameter space
V3 = {ha: a ∈ ℂ, a ≠ 0}
ha(z) = (z-a)(z-1)/z2,
There is a related resemblance between a part of V3, and part of the filled Julia set of the rabbit polynomial.
The situation for aeroplane captures is quite different, and, arguably, more interesting. This is related to the very different structure of one of the two parts of V3 which associate more naturally to the aeroplane polynomial. In a sideways look at this structure, we shall discuss the map x → gx, and in particular, the distribution of the numbers an,r as n → ∞, for r ≥ 1, where
an,r = #( { x ∈ On(aeroplane): #({y: gy=gx}) = r} ).
The corresponding numbers for rabbit captures are 0 for all r ≥ 2.

Mitsuhiro Shishikura   Parabolic implosion - from discontinuity to renormalization 

We consider holomorphic functions of one variable with a parabolic periodic point (a periodic point whose derivative is a r oot of unity.) It well-known that that such a periodic point causes a drastic change in the dynamics when we perturb the map. Douady and Hubbard have started an intensive study of such a bifurcation. In particular, the Julia set can move discontinuously and moreover for specific sequences of perturbations, the Julia set and the dynamics on it have well-defined limit. This explains not only the discontinuity but also a periodic structure of the parameter space near the cusp of main cardioid in the Mandelbrot set. Key ingredient is the analysis of Fatou coordinates and horn maps, with which one can describe a precise form of limit dynamics (sometimes called geometric limit). In fact, this technique lead to many interesting results, for example, the renormalization theory for near-parabolic fixed points and Buff-Chéritat's proof of existence of a quadratic polynomial with Julia set of positive measure.
In the talk, I will discuss the naive idea about the phenomenon, and explain how to employ the tools due to Douady and Hubbard, to show the discontinuity etc. If the times allows, I will try to cover more recent development of the theory.

Dennis Sullivan   String configurations in dimensions 2,3,4,...

After removing a subset of infinite codimension the free loop space of a manifold is naturally stratified. The strata are labeled by even valence symmetric graphs called string configurations. The finite type invariants of Vassiliev in dimension three relate to this picture. Adding a cyclic structure to the graphs brings in cell decompositions of moduli spaces of riemann surfaces and the operations of string topology.

Sebastian van Strien   On the interface of real and holomorphic dynamics

In the talk I will discuss three results:
(1) complex bounds and rigidity for non-renormalizable polynomials with only hyperbolic periodic points (joint work with Kozlovski)
(2) monotonicity of entropy for real polynomials (joint work with Bruin and Shen)
(3) description of rational maps for which multipliers of periodic points are always real.

Alberto Verjovsky   Hedlund´s theorem on minimality of horocycle flows for Riemann surface laminations

In this talk we indicate a proof of the dichotomy: either the horocycle flow on the unit tangent bundle of a compact lamination by surfaces of strictly negative curvature is minimal or else the lamination is given by the orbits of a locally-free action of the affine group

Michel Zinsmeister   Branner-Hubbard Motion without Dynamics 

In one of his latest work, Adrien Douady noticed that Branner-Hubbard Motion can be defined for all Dirichlet-regular compact sets of the plane, but the lack of dynamics makes the generalisation of the classical results problematic. We will survey about Douady's results on this, state and explain his conjectures and give some applications of the theory.